publicaciones seleccionadas
- On the equilibrium points of the collinear restricted 4-body problem with non-spherical bodies 2024-07
- Revealing the dynamical properties of Jupiter-size exoplanets on elliptic orbits 2024-07
- Orbit classification in a galaxy model with a biaxial dark matter halo 2024-04
- Orbital dynamics of a binary system composed of a massive star and a black hole companion 2024-04
- Using the eccentric version of the restricted three-body problem to model exosolar systems 2024-02
- Comparison between different inflationary models in Bianchi IX spacetime 2024
- On the equilibrium dynamics of a binary system with two Kerr-like bodies 2024
- Revealing the equilibrium dynamics of a binary system of prolate or oblate elliptical galaxies 2024
- Investigating the impact of non-spherical bodies and three-body interactions on equilibrium dynamics in the circular restricted three-body problem 2023-11
- Orbital dynamics in the Hill problem with oblateness 2023-10-01
- Orbital dynamics in the Hill problem with oblateness 2023-10-01
- Equilibrium stability in the triangular restricted four-body problem with non-spherical primaries 2023-10
- Orbital dynamics in the Hill problem with oblateness 2023-10
- Classification of Trajectories in a Two-planet Exosystem Using the Generalized Three-body Problem 2023-08
- On the basins of convergence in the beyond-Newtonian spatial collinear circular restricted four-body problem with spinning primaries 2023-08
- Classification of Trajectories in a Two-planet Exosystem Using the Generalized Three-body Problem 2023-07-21
- Classification of Trajectories in a Two-planet Exosystem Using the Generalized Three-body Problem 2023-07-21
- Equilibrium points and their stability in a new generalized planar version of the collinear restricted four-body problem 2023-06
- Equilibrium dynamics of the restricted 3-body problem with prolate primaries 2023-05
- On the dynamics of an inflationary Bianchi IX space-time 2023-03
- Effects of the rotation of the central black hole in a disk galaxy model 2022-09
- On the equilibria of the restricted three-body problem with a triaxial rigid body, II: prolate primary 2022-07
- On the beyond-Newtonian collinear circular restricted (3 1 )-body problem with spinning primaries 2022-06
- Equilibrium Points and Networks of Periodic Orbits in the Pseudo-Newtonian Planar Circular Restricted Three-body Problem 2022-02
- Equilibrium Points and Networks of Periodic Orbits in the Pseudo-Newtonian Planar Circular Restricted Three-body Problem 2022-01-19
- Equilibrium Points and Networks of Periodic Orbits in the Pseudo-Newtonian Planar Circular Restricted Three-body Problem 2022-01-19
- Equilibrium dynamics of a circular restricted three-body problem with Kerr-like primaries 2022-01
- Orbital Dynamics in a Triaxial Barred Galaxy Model. I. The 2D System 2021-10
- Fractal Basins of Convergence of a Seventh-Order Generalized Hénon–Heiles Potential 2021-07-13
- Fractal Basins of Convergence of a Seventh-Order Generalized Hénon–Heiles Potential 2021-07-13
- Fractal Basins of Convergence of a Seventh-Order Generalized Hénon-Heiles Potential 2021-07
- Effect of Multipole Moments in the Weak Field Limit of a Black Hole Plus Halo Potential 2021-02
- Effect of multipole moments in the weak field limit of a black hole plus halo potential 2021
- Orbit classification in a disk galaxy model with a pseudo-Newtonian central black hole 2021
- Orbit classification in a disk galaxy model with a pseudo-Newtonian central black hole 2020-11
- On the dynamics of a seventh-order generalized Hénon-Heiles potential 2020-09-01
- On the dynamics of a seventh-order generalized Hénon-Heiles potential 2020-09-01
- On the dynamics of a seventh-order generalized Hénon-Heiles potential 2020-09
- Orbital dynamics in the photogravitational restricted four-body problem: Lagrange configuration 2020-05
- Exit basins for the Sitnikov problem with variable mass 2020-03-30
- Equilibrium Points and Basins of Convergence in the Triangular Restricted Four-Body Problem with a Radiating Body 2020
- Fractal basins of convergence of a seventh-order generalized Hénon-Heiles potential 2020
- On the dynamics of a seventh-order generalized Hénon-Heiles potential 2020
- Geodesic dynamics in Chazy-Curzon spacetimes 2019-12
- Orbit classification in a pseudo-Newtonian Copenhagen problem with Schwarzschild-like primaries 2019-08
- Orbital dynamics in realistic galaxy models: NGC 3726, NGC 3877 and NGC 4010 2019-07
- Orbital dynamics in realistic galaxy models: NGC 3726, NGC 3877 and NGC 4010 2019-04-09
- Orbit classification in a pseudo-Newtonian Copenhagen problem with Schwarzschild-like primaries 2019
- Orbital dynamics in realistic galaxy models: NGC 3726, NGC 3877 and NGC 4010 2019
- Orbital dynamics in the photogravitational restricted four-body problem: Lagrange configuration 2019
- Equilibrium points and basins of convergence in the triangular restricted four-body problem with a radiating body 2018-12
- Orbit classification in an equal-mass non-spinning binary black hole pseudo-Newtonian system 2018-07
- Dynamical analysis of bounded and unbounded orbits in a generalized Hénon-Heiles system 2018-04
- Orbital dynamics in the post-Newtonian planar circular restricted Sun–Jupiter system 2018-03
- Basins of convergence of equilibrium points in the generalized Henon-Heiles system 2018
- Basins of convergence of equilibrium points in the generalized Henon-Heiles system 2018
- Basins of convergence of equilibrium points in the generalized Hénon–Heiles system 2018
- Equilibrium points and basins of convergence in the triangular restricted four-body problem with a radiating body 2018
- Equilibrium points and basins of convergence in the triangular restricted four-body problem with a radiating body 2018
- Geodesic dynamics in Chazy-Curzon spacetimes 2018
- Geodesic dynamics in Chazy-Curzon spacetimes 2018
- Orbit classification in an equal-mass non-spinning binary black hole pseudo-Newtonian system 2018
- Orbit classification in an equal-mass non-spinning binary black hole pseudo-Newtonian system 2018
- Orbit classification in an equal-mass non-spinning binary black hole pseudo-Newtonian system 2018
- Orbital dynamics in the post-Newtonian planar circular restricted Sun-Jupiter system 2018
- Orbital dynamics in the post-newtonian planar circular restricted sun-jupiter system 2018
- Orbital dynamics in the post-newtonian planar circular restricted sun-jupiter system 2018
- Post-Newtonian Circular Restricted 3-Body Problem: Schwarzschild primaries 2017-07
- On the conservation of the Jacobi integral in the post-Newtonian circular restricted three-body problem 2017-05
- On the Influence of the Mass Definition in the Stability of Axisymmetric Relativistic Thin Disks 2017-03
- Pseudo-Newtonian planar circular restricted 3-body problem 2017-02
- On the Influence of the Mass Definition in the Stability of Axisymmetric Relativistic Thin Disks 2017-01
- Dynamical analysis of bounded and unbounded orbits in a generalized Hénon-Heiles system 2017
- Dynamical analysis of bounded and unbounded orbits in a generalized Hénon-Heiles system 2017
- On the influence of the mass definition in the stability of axisymmetric relativistic thin disks,Influencia de la definición de masa en la estabilidad de discos relativistas axialsimétricos 2017
- On the influence of the mass definition in the stability of axisymmetric relativistic thin disks,Influencia de la definición de masa en la estabilidad de discos relativistas axialsimétricos 2017
- Geodesic motion in a stationary dihole spacetime 2016-08
- Geodesic motion in a stationary dihole spacetime 2016
- Classical and Quantum Chaotic Angular-Momentum Pumps 2015-03-04
- Classical and Quantum Chaotic Angular-Momentum Pumps 2015-03
- Laboratorio de electromagnetismo 2015
- Optimal conditions for the numerical calculation of the largest Lyapunov exponent for systems of ordinary differential equations 2014-07
- Optimal conditions for the numerical calculation of the largest Lyapunov exponent for systems of ordinary differential equations 2014-01
- Calculation of largest lyapunov exponent with mathematica,Cálculo delmáximo exponente de Lyapunov conMathematica 2013
- The influence of the Lande g-factor in the classical general relativistic description of atomic and subatomic systems 2011-03
- Innermost stable circular orbits around magnetized rotating massive stars 2010-12
- Innermost stable circular orbits around magnetized rotating massive stars 2010
- Solving the Time-Dependent SCHRÖDINGER Equation with Absorbing Boundary Conditions and Source Terms in Mathematica 6.0 2010
- Pumping angular momentum by driven chaotic scattering 2008-07
- Chaotic dynamics around astrophysical objects with nonisotropic stresses 2007-01
- Chaotic dynamics around astrophysical objects with nonisotropic stresses 2007-01