Lain, Santiago

- Docente, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
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publicaciones seleccionadas
- Computational Characterization of Turbulent Flow in a Microfluidic Actuator 2022-04
- A Review on the Estimation of Power Loss Due to Icing in Wind Turbines 2022-02-01
- Numerical Investigation of the Performance, Hydrodynamics, and Free-Surface Effects in Unsteady Flow of a Horizontal Axis Hydrokinetic Turbine 2021-12-30
- Comparison of Sliding and Overset Mesh Techniques in the Simulation of a Vertical Axis Turbine for Hydrokinetic Applications 2021-10-28
- Influence of Particle Mass Fraction over the Turbulent Behaviour of an Incompressible Particle-Laden Flow 2021-10-21
- Synergy effect modelling of cavitation and hard particle erosion: Implementation and validation 2021-08
- Hydrodynamic Characterisation of a Garman-Type Hydrokinetic Turbine 2021-05-14
- Pressure center determination for regularly shaped non-spherical particles at intermediate Reynolds number range 2021-04
- Numerical simulation of the transient behavior of the turbulent flow in a microfluidic oscillator 2021-01
- Study of Colliding Particle-Pair Velocity Correlation in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence 2020-12-19
- Numerical Simulation of the Flow around a Straight Blade Darrieus Water Turbine 2020-03-03
- Application of Mixed Sampling to Real Life Data: A Case Study on Socio-Economic Determinants by Using SEM and CFA Techniques 2020-03
- Surface damage caused by the interaction of particles and a spark-generated bubble near a solid wall 2019-11
- A review on computational fluid dynamics modeling and simulation of horizontal axis hydrokinetic turbines 2019-09
- Quantification of preferential concentration of colliding particles in a homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow 2019-08
- Numerical prediction of particle erosion of pipe bends 2019-02
- Interaction of particles with a cavitation bubble near a solid wall 2018-12
- Simulating and Designing Small Hydrokinetic Turbines: a Review 2018-11-30
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling and Simulation of an Inclined Horizontal Axis Hydrokinetic Turbine 2018-11-14
- RANS and Hybrid RANS-LES Simulations of an H-Type Darrieus Vertical Axis Water Turbine 2018-09
- Numerical study of the effect of winglets on the performance of a straight blade darrieus water turbine 2018
- Stochastic modelling for capturing the behaviour of irregular-shaped non-spherical particles in confined turbulent flows 2018
- Hydraulic and rotor-dynamic interaction for performance evaluation on a Francis turbine 2017
- Numerical simulations of active flow control with synthetic jets in a Darrieus turbine 2017
- Simulation of unsteady blood flow dynamics in the thoracic aorta,Simulación transitoria de la dinámica del flujo sanguíneo en la aorta torácica 2017
- Computational study of transient flow around Darrieus type cross flow water turbines 2016
- Effects of water inlet configuration in a service reservoir applying CFD modelling,Efecto de la configuración de entrada de agua en un tanque de compensación aplicando modelación CFD 2016
- 2D lid-driven cavity flow simulation using GPU-CUDA with a high-order finite difference scheme 2015
- Computational study of the interaction between hydrodynamics and rigid body dynamics of a Darrieus type H turbine 2015
- Numerical simulation of non-Newtonian blood flow dynamics in human thoracic aorta 2015
- Parameters influencing dilute-phase pneumatic conveying through pipe systems: A computational study by the Euler/Lagrange approach 2015
- Computational study of the interaction between hydrodynamics and Rigid Body Dynamics of a darrieus type H turbine 2014
- Modelling the wall collision of regular non-spherical particles and experimental validation 2014
- Prediction of horizontal gas-solid flows under different gravitational fields 2014
- A Review on Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling in Human Thoracic Aorta 2013
- Characterisation of pneumatic conveying systems using the Euler/Lagrange approach 2013
- Study of turbulent two-phase gas-solid flow in horizontal channels 2013
- Hydrodynamic evaluation of a hydraulic clarifier through hydraulic behaviour indicators and simplified flow models,Evaluación hidrodinámica de un clarificador hidráulico mediante indicadores de comportamiento hidráulico y modelos simplificados de flujo 2012
- Numerical calculation of pneumatic conveying in horizontal channels and pipes: Detailed analysis of conveying behaviour 2012
- Simulation of vertical axis water turbines 2012
- Simulatión de la ruta de transporte y dispersión de emisiones gaseosas provenientes del basurero de navarro, cali (Colombia),Simulation of transport and dispersion of atmospheric emissions from navarro solid waste dump site, cali (Colombia) 2012
- Small signal stability analysis of Jepirachi wind park 2012
- Effect of geometry on flow structure and pressure drop in pneumatic conveying of solids along horizontal ducts 2011
- Numerical study of horizontal pneumatic conveying of powder in different gravitational environments 2011
- Particle transport in turbulent flows along horizontal ducts 2011
- Aeromechanical evaluation of large HAWT's blades 2010
- CFD Numerical simulations of Francis turbines,Simulación numérica (CFD) de turbinas Francis 2010
- Simulation and evaluation of a straight-bladed darrieus-type cross flow marine turbine 2010
- Dynamic three-dimensional simulation of gas-liquid flow in a cylindrical bubble column 2009
- From elementary processes to the numerical prediction of industrial particle-laden flows 2009
- Numerical simulation of secondary flow in pneumatic conveying of solid particles in a horizontal circular pipe 2009
- Structure and pressure drop in particle-laden gas flow through a pipe bend: A numerical analysis by the Euler/Lagrange approach 2009
- Euler/Lagrange computations of pneumatic conveying in a horizontal channel with different wall roughness 2008
- Evaluation of lagrangian particle dispersion models in turbulent flows 2008
- A study of the pneumatic conveying of non-spherical particles in a turbulent horizontal channel flow 2007
- Comparison of turbulent particle dispersion models in turbulent shear flows 2007
- Comparison between Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange computations of gas-solid turbulent flow in a horizontal channel with different wall roughness 2006
- Comparison between euler-euler and euler-lagrange computations of gas-solid turbulent flow in a horizontal channel with different wall roughness 2006
- Instabilities in lagrangian tracking of bubbles and particles in two-phase flow 2006
- Numerical simulation of the transient three-dimensional gas-liquid flow in a cylindrical bubble column 2006
- Numerical simulation of the transient three-dimensional gas-liquid flow in a cylindrical bubble column 2006
- Study of four-way coupling on turbulent particle-laden jet flows 2006
- Study of the numerical instabilities in Lagrangian tracking of bubbles and particles in two-phase flow 2004
- Discussion on second-order dispersed phase Eulerian equations applied to turbulent particle-laden jet flows 2003
- Turbulence modulation in dispersed two-phase flow laden with solids from a Lagrangian perspective 2003
- Experimental studies and modelling of four-way coupling in particle-laden horizontal channel flow 2002
- Modelling hydrodynamics and turbulence in a bubble column using the Euler-Lagrange procedure 2002
- Thermo-mechanical modeling of turbulent heat transfer in gas-solid flows including particle collisions 2002
- Numerical instabilities in bubble tracking in two-phase flow simulations 2001
- Analysis of dispersed phase Eulerian equations in non-uniform turbulent particle-laden flows 2000
- Analysis of the diamagnetic interactions of superheated-superconducting granules in a bidimensional array 2000
- Deduction and validation of an Eulerian-Eulerian model for turbulent dilute two-phase flows by means of the phase indicator function - disperse elements probability density function 2000
- Instabilities in numerical simulations of dispersed two-phase flow 2000
- Study on the Eulerian dispersed phase equations in non-uniform turbulent two-phase flows: Discussion and comparison with experiments 2000
- Diamagnetic interactions of superheated-superconducting spheres in a bidimensional lattice 1999
- Experimental and numerical studies of the hydrodynamics in a bubble column 1999
- Study of diamagnetic interactions between superheated-superconducting spheres: A numerical approach 1999
- Development of a lifting surface-2D panel method to compute the three-dimensional pressure distribution over the blade of a horizontal-axis wind turbine 1995
- Air Flow Monitoring in a Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Spectrometry