Artículo académico RDF
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- Traducción del Fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia en el caso del “Diferendo Marítimo” (Perú c. Chile) Decisión sobre el fondo
- Transatlantic correspondence and 'mobile knowledge' in Alexander von Humboldt's exploratory travels to Hispanic America
- Transcriptional regulator PRDM12 is essential for human pain perception
- Transcriptional remodeling during metacyclogenesis in Trypanosoma cruzi I
- Transcriptional responses of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis in the presence of trivalent sodium stibogluconate
- Transcriptomic analysis of FUCA1 knock-down in keratinocytes reveals new insights into the pathogenesis of fucosidosis skin lesions
- Transcriptomic changes across the life cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi II
- Transformación educativa: la simulación como estrategia pedagógica del programa de Fisioterapia de la Universidad del Rosario
- Transformar a los espectadores en un público: un desafío en las campañas transnacionales de defensa de una causa
- Transición de los refugiados colombianos en Ecuador: una nueva fase del fenómeno migratorio
- Transient global amnesia with bilateral hippocampal findings in magnetic resonance imaging
- Translation of judgement of International Court of Justice in the case "Obligation to negotiate access to the Pacific Ocean" (Bolivia v. Chile). Decision on Preliminary Objections
- Translation of the judgment of the International Court of Justice in the case of alleged violations of sovereign rights and maritime areas in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua c. Colombia). Preliminary exceptions
- Translation of the judgment of the International Court of Justice in the case of the delimitation of the continental shelf between Nicaragua and Colombia beyond 200 nautical miles from the Nicaraguan coast (Nicaragua v. Colombia). Preliminary exceptions
- Translation of the ruling of the International Court of Justice in the cases: certain activities carried out by Nicaragua in the border area (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua) and Construction of a road in Costa Rica along the San Juan river (Nicaragua c. Costa Rica) (Procedures accumulated)
- Transnational networks of insurgency and crime: explaining the spread of commercial insurgencies beyond state borders
- Transparencia, razón pública, y rendición de cuentas en las empresas
- Trastorno del espectro autista y función ejecutiva
- Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad: de padres a hijos.
- Tratamiento farmacológico y deterioro de la función pulmonar en pacientes con diabetes de tipo 2: Un estudio de corte transversal
- Tratamiento psicofarmacológico del trastorno bipolar en América Latina
- Trauma Abdominal: la paroscopia y manejo conservador
- Trayectos entre estética y biopolítica: trauma, sujeto e imagen
- Trazos, estratos y lenguajes. Epílogo al Dossier
- Tree mycorrhizal associations mediate soil fertility effects on forest community structure in a temperate forest
- Trees and Crime in Bogota, Colombia: Is the link an ecosystem disservice or service?
- Trends and dynamics of material and energy flows in an urban context: a case study of a city with an emerging economy
- Trends and opportunities by fostering creativity in science and engineering: a systematic review
- Trends in economic growth, poverty and energy in Colombia: Long-run and short-run effects