Artículo académico
Water-use efficiency declines during autumn leaf senescence in three deciduous tree species
Water-use efficiency declines during autumn leaf senescence in three deciduous tree species, North Carolina piedmont, USA.
Wealth, Social Protection Programs, and Child Labor in Colombia: A Cross-sectional Study
Weaving worlds: Cosmopraxis as relational sensibility
What are management systems? The effect of management style according to system dynamics
What is the state made of? Coca, roads, and the materiality of state formation in the frontier
What managers really do and the skills required: knowledge provided by direct observation studies
What shapes the continuum of reproductive isolation? Lessons from Heliconius butterflies
What’s inside is all that counts? The contours of everyday thinking about self-control
When deeds speak, words are nothing: a study of ethical leadership in Colombia
When diversification clashes with the reinforcement heuristic: An experimental investigation
When global and local molecular descriptors are more than the sum of its parts: Simple, But Not Simpler?
When War Adversaries Talk: The Experimental Effect of Engagement Rules on Postconflict Deliberation
Who Owns the Land? Litigants, Justices, Colonos, and Titleholders' Struggle to Define the Origins of Private Property in Colombia
Who Owns What in Macondo? The Flexibilization of the Rules of Evidence in Land Restitution in Colombia
Whole-Exome Sequencing Enables Rapid Determination of Xeroderma Pigmentosum Molecular Etiology
Whole-exome sequencing in patients affected by Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis reveals new variants potentially contributing to the phenotype
Whole-genome sequencing to determine origin of multinational outbreak of Sarocladium kiliense bloodstream infections
Why are some dimensions integral? Testing two hypotheses through causal learning experiments
Why do animal groups matter for conservation and management?
Why not to use punch biopsies in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples of prostate cancer tissue for DNA and RNA extraction?
Why rebels stop fighting: Organizational decline and desertion in colombia’s insurgency
Why trees and shrubs but rarely trubs?
Why will it never be known if convalescent plasma is effective for COVID-19
Wildfire response to changing daily temperature extremes in California's Sierra Nevada
Will the emergent SARS-CoV2 B.1.1.7 lineage affect molecular diagnosis of COVID-19?
Winners and runners-up alike?-a comparison between awardees and special mention recipients of the most reputable science award in Colombia via a composite citation indicator
Woody vegetation dynamics in the tropical and subtropical Andes from 2001 to 2014: Satellite image interpretation and expert validation
Work-related injuries among child street-laborers in Latin America: Prevalence and predictors: prevalence and predictors
Working together: A call for inclusive conservation: A call for inclusive conservation