publicaciones seleccionadas
artículo académico
- Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary patterns of the genus Psammolestes Bergroth, 1911 (Hemiptera 2022-3-12
- Development of an amplicon-based next-generation sequencing protocol to identify leishmania species and other trypanosomatids in leishmaniasis endemic areas 2021-10-1
- Temporal Variation of the Presence of Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) Into Rural Dwellings in the Department of Casanare, Eastern Colombia 2020-9-27
- Identification of blood-feeding sources in Panstrongylus, Psammolestes, Rhodnius and Triatoma using amplicon-based next-generation sequencing 2020-8-31
- Development of a multilocus sequence typing scheme for giardia intestinalis 2020-7-8
- Molecular detection and genotyping of intestinal protozoa from different biogeographical regions of Colombia 2020-3-9
- Species-dependent variation of the gut bacterial communities across Trypanosoma cruzi insect vectors 2020-11-12
- Succinate dehydrogenase gene as a marker for studying Blastocystis genetic diversity 2020-11-1
- Trypanosoma cruzi infection, discrete typing units and feeding sources among Psammolestes arthuri (Reduviidae: Triatominae) collected in eastern Colombia 2019-4-8
- Ecology of Trypanosoma cruzi I genotypes across Rhodnius prolixus captured in Attalea butyracea palms 2017-4-1