Profesor titular
El interés central de mi trabajo es el análisis y diseño de instituciones (reglas del juego) que promuevan la cooperación entre individuos y la solución de dilemas sociales de la manera mas justa, eficiente, equitativa, democrática y sostenible posible
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publicaciones seleccionadas
- Author Correction: Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies 2021
- Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies 2021
- Efficiency and Stability of Sampling Equilibrium in Public Goods Games 2020
- Is Collective Titling Enough to Protect Forests? Evidence from Afro-descendant Communities in the Colombian Pacific Region 2020
- A more dynamic understanding of human behaviour for the Anthropocene 2019
- Between-group Competition Enhances Cooperation in Resource Appropriation Games 2019
- Cash incentives avert deforestation 2017
- Collective Property Leads to Household Investments: Lessons From Land Titling in Afro-colombian Communities 2017
- Fragility of the Provision of Local Public Goods to Private and Collective Risks 2017
- Fisheries, Fish Pollution and Biodiversity: Choice Experiments with Fishermen, Traders and Consumers 2016
- Human Behavior and the Use of Experiments to Understand the Agricultural, Resource, and Environmental Challenges of the XXI Century 2016
- Context-dependent Cheating: Experimental Evidence from 16 Countries 2015
- Cooperativeness and Competitiveness in Children 2015
- Stable Sampling Equilibrium in Common Pool Resource Games 2015
- Gender and Cooperation in Children: Experiments in Colombia and Sweden 2014
- Is it My Money or Not? An Experiment on Risk Aversion and the House-money Effect 2014
- The Hidden Face of Justice: Fairness, Discrimination and Distribution in Transitional Justice Processes 2014
- Breaking the Elected Rules in a Field Experiment on Forestry Resources 2013
- Distance Friction and the Cost of Hunting in Tropical Forest 2013
- Risk Attitudes and Economic Well-being in Latin America 2013
- Stated Social Behavior and Revealed Actions: Evidence from Six Latin American Countries 2013
- Field Experiments on Irrigation Dilemmas 2012
- Gender Differences in Competitiveness and Risk Taking: Comparing Children in Colombia and Sweden 2012
- Organizing for Society: A Typology of Social Entrepreneuring Models 2012
- Risk Pooling, Risk Preferences, and Social Networks 2012
- An Intercultural Examination of Cooperation in the Commons 2011
- Collective Action for Watershed Management: Field Experiments in Colombia and Kenya 2011
- Context Matters to Explain Field Experiments: Results from Colombian and Thai Fishing Villages 2011
- Head-enders as Stationary Bandits in Asymmetric Commons: Comparing Irrigation Experiments in the Laboratory and the Field 2011
- Social Norms and Behavior in the Local Commons as Seen Through the Lens of Field Experiments 2011
- The Challenge of Understanding Decisions in Experimental Studies of Common Pool Resource Governance 2011
- Being a Student of Elinor Ostrom 2010
- Resource Allocation in Public Agencies: Experimental Evidence 2010
- Experiments in Environment and Development 2009
- To What Extent Do Latin Americans Trust, Reciprocate, and Cooperate? Evidence from Experiments in Six Latin American Countries 2009
- Behavioural Development Economics: Lessons from Field Labs in the Developing World 2008
- Institutions Influence Preferences: Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Experiment 2008
- Local Commons and Cross-Effects of Population and InequaliTY on the Local Provision of Environmental Services 2005
- An Experiment on Enforcement Strategies for Managing a Local Environment Resource 2004
- Norms from Outside and from Inside: an Experimental Analysis on the Governance of Local Ecosystems 2004
- Regulaciones y normas en lo público y lo colectivo: exploraciones desde el laboratorio económico 2004
- What do People Bring into the Game? Experiments in the Field about Cooperation in the Commons 2004
- ¿Qué traen las personas al juego? Experimentos de campo sobre la cooperación en los recursos de uso común 2004
- Real Wealth and Experimental Cooperation: Experiments in the Field Lab 2003
- Economic Inequality and Burden-sharing in the Provision of Local Environmental Quality 2002
- How Do Groups Solve Local Commons Dilemmas? Lessons from Experimental Economics in the Field 2000
- Local Environmental Control and Institutional Crowding-Out 2000
documento de trabajo
- With a little help from my friends: Debt Renegotiation and Climate Change 2021
- With a little help from my friends: Debt renegotiation and climate change 2021
- The socioeconomic patterns of COVID outside advanced economies: the case of Bogotá 2019
- Is Collective Titling Enough to Protect Forests?: Evidence from Afro Descendant Communities in the Colombian Pacific Region 2019-01
- Desigualdad económica y participación en organizaciones sociales en Colombia 2019
- Los legados del conflicto armado sobre la capacidad de los hogares para mitigar los choques económicos negativos: Evidencia para Colombia 2019
- The Effects of Wartime Institutions on Households' Ability to Cope with Shocks: Evidence for Colombia 2019
- Acción colectiva para abordar conflictos socio-ambientales: el caso de Santurbán 2018-06
- Mismo recurso, diferentes conflictos: un análisis de la relación entre oro, conflicto y criminalidad en seis departamentos colombianos 2017-11
- Fisheries, Fish Pollution and Biodiversity: Choice experiments with Fishermen, Traders and Consumers 2016-10
- La propiedad colectiva mejora las inversiones de los hogares: lecciones de la titulación de tierras a las comunidades afrocolombianas 2016-07
- Collective Property Leads to Household Investments: Lessons from Land Titling in Afro Colombian Communities 2016-05
- Impact Evaluation of Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in Rural Mali 2015-11
- Honesty after a Labor Relationship 2015-10
- Context Dependent Cheating: Experimental Evidence from 16 Countries 2015-03
- Cooperativeness and Competitiveness in Children 2015-03
- Community Mobilization Around Social Dilemmas: Evidence from Lab Experiments in Rural Mali 2014-05
- Vertical Collective Action: Addressing Vertical Asymmetries in Watershed Management 2014-02
- Context Dependent Cheating: Experimental Evidence from 16 Countries 2014
- Commons without Tragedy: Sampling Dynamics and Cooperative Resource Extraction 2013-09
- The Hidden Face of Justice: Fairness, Discrimination and Distribution in Transitional Justice Processes 2013-08
- Mujer y movilidad social 2013-01
- Encuesta longitudinal colombiana de la Universidad de los Andes, ELCA 2013 2012-11
- Distance Friction and the Cost of Hunting in Tropical Forests 2012-10
- Equidad en la diferencia, políticas para la movilidad social de grupos de identidad: misión de movilidad social y equidad 2012-10
- Gender and Cooperation in Children: Experiments in Colombia and Sweden 2012-07
- Why Do Environmental Taxes Work Better in Developed Countries? 2012-01
- Should We Tax or Let Firms Trade Emissions? An Experimental Analysis with Policy Implications for Developing Countries 2011-11
- Gender Differences in Competitiveness and Risk Taking: Comparing Children in Colombia and Sweden 2010-11
- Risk Attitudes and Well-being in Latin America 2010-11
- It´s not My Money: An Experiment on Risk Aversion and the House Money Effect 2010-01
- Collective Action for Watershed Management: Field Experiments in Colombia and Kenya 2009-11
- Helping the Helpers: Altruism as a Rational Choice of Donors to a Students Voluntary Organization 2009-11
- Social Norms and Behavior in the Local Commons Through the Lens of Field Experiments 2009-11
- Gender, Education and Reciprocal Generosity: Evidence from 1,500 Experiment Subjects 2009-08
- Dilemas de lo Colectivo: Instituciones, pobreza y cooperación en el manejo local de los recursos de uso común 2009-04
- Homo Æqualis: A Cross-Society Experimental Analysis of Three Bargaining Games 2009
- Risk Pooling, Risk preferences, and Social Networks 2009
- Social Preferences Among the People of Sanquianga in Colombia 2008-07
- Lo que se dice del comportamiento social y acciones reveladas: evidencia de seis ciudades latinoamericanas utilizando muestras representativas 2008-05
- Stated Social Behavior and Revealed Actions: Evidence from 6 Latin American Countries Using Representative Samples 2008-05
- Stated Social Behavior and Revealed Actions: Evidence from Six Latin American Countries Using Representative Samples 2008-05
- To What Extent do Latin Americans Trust and Cooperate?: Field Experiments on Social Exclusion In Six Latin American Countries 2008-04
- ¿Hasta qué punto los latinoamericanos confían y cooperan? Experimentos de campo sobre exclusión social en seis países de América Latina 2008-04
- Attitudes and Attributes: A Field Experiment with Public Officials and Transfer Recipients in Colombia 2007-08
- Discrimination in the Provision of Social Services to the Poor: A Field Experimental Study 2007-07
- Cooperation in Large Networks: An Experimental 2007-04
- Behavioural Development Economics: Lessons from Field Labs in the Developing World 2006-11
- Institutions Influence Preferences: Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Experiment 2006-07
- Experiments and Economic Development: Lessons from Field Labs in the Developing World 2005-05
- Groups, Commons and Regulations: Experiments with Villagers and Students in Colombia 2005
- Local Commons and Cross Effects of Population and Inequality on the Local Provision of Environmental Services 2004-12
- Regulaciones y normas en lo público y lo colectivo: exploraciones desde el laboratorio económico 2004-09
- Bringing the Lab to the Field: More than Changing Subjects 2004
- Norms from Outside and from Inside: An Experimental Analysis on the Governance of Local Ecosystems 2004
- Social preferences among the Sanquianga (Colombia) People 2004
- What do People Bring into the Game: Experiments in the Field about Cooperation in the Commons 2004
- Pro-social Behavior in the Global Commons: A North-South Experiment 2003-07
- Métodos experimentales y participativos para el análisis de la acción colectiva y la cooperación en el uso de recursos naturales por parte de comunidades rurales 2003
- Economic Inequality and Burden-Sharing in the Provision of Local Environmental Quality 2002
- Real Wealth and Experimental Cooperation: Evidence from Field Experiments 2002
- Rethinking Local Commons Dilemmas: Lessons from Experimental Economics in the Field 2002
- Using Cross-Cultural Experiments to Understand the Dynamics of a Global Commons 2002
- How do Groups Solve Local Commons Dilemmas? Lessons from Experimental Economics in the Field 2001
- Should the State Regulate the Local Commons? Lessons from Economic Experiments in the Field 2001
- Local Environmental Control and Institutional Crowding-Out 2000
Palabras claves
- Economía ambiental y de los recursos naturales (recursos de uso común, desigualdad, incentivos, instituciones)
- Economía de las decisiones y las instituciones (prosocialidad, cooperación, confianza)
- Economía experimental y del comportamiento (behavioral economics)
- Microeconomía aplicada