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Social Preferences Among the People of Sanquianga in Colombia Documento de trabajo uri icon


  • The afro-descendent people of the Sanquianga region in the Colombian Pacific Coast live under particularly extreme poverty conditions. Although highly integrated to markets through very frequent interactions, their access to basic social services and stable income generating activities are constrained, and their dependence on their local commons for food, fisheries, wood and firewood is high. Nevertheless, their pro-social preferences are rather high compared to other regions of Colombia and the world. High levels of altruism, associated with lower levels of generosity in the DG and UG games. Some explanations based sharing, reciprocity and hyper-fairness were observed in a series of Dictator, Ultimatum and Third-Party Punishment experiments conducted with a sample of 186 adults of two villages in the region. One of the more striking findings is that personal material wealth is on the historical roots of these small-scale societies may explain such pro-social behavior.


fecha de publicación

  • 2008-07