Panel de conferencia RDF
páginas:- “Autopercepción de síntomas relacionados con la función oral faríngea en adultos mayores”
- “Entre punto y punto todo se comunica”
- 3D deep convolutional neural network for predicting neurosensory retinal thickness map from spectral domain optical coherence tomography volumes
- A Biomechanical Analysis of Free Squat Exercise Employing Self-Organizing Maps
- A case study to explore how medical students learn linguistic cognitive skills during preclinical training
- A Chatbot Proposal to Fight against Sexual Crimes
- A class of population dynamics for reaching epsilon-equilibria: Engineering applications
- A column generation approach for solving a green bi-objective inventory routing problem
- A deep learning model for classification of diabetic retinopathy in eye fundus images based on retinal lesion detection
- A distance measure between fuzzy variables
- A fuzzy inference system to scheduling tasks in queueing systems
- A fuzzy linear fractional programming approach to design of distribution networks
- A hybrid rule-based and fuzzy logic model to diagnostic financial area for MSMEs
- A hybrid scatter search algorithm to solve the capacitated arc routing problem with refill points
- A hybrid system dynamics and fuzzy logic approach to social problem of corruption in Colombia
- A Local Search Algorithm to Combined Maintenance Routing Optimization Problem for Vehicles Subject to Failures
- A Mathematical Model Under Uncertainty for Optimizing Medicine Logistics in Hospitals
- A multiobjective approach to the relay placement problem in WSNs
- A note about the (x, y) coordinates of the centroid of a fuzzy set
- A novel multimodal cognitive interaction for walker-assisted rehabilitation therapies
- A permanente construção do estado de direito democrático e social
- A soberania como autonomia constitucional no século XXI. Análise do impacto da Corte Constitucional Colombiana na concretização dos direitos humanos
- A therapist helping hand for walker-assisted gait rehabilitation: A pre-clinical assessment
- A three-step deep neural network methodology for exchange rate forecasting
- A two-phase method to periodic vehicle routing problem with variable service frequency
- A variable neighborhood search approach for the capacitated m-Ring-Star problem
- A3: A topology construction algorithm for wireless sensor networks
- A3Cov: A new topology construction protocol for connected area coverage in WSN
- ABO and RhD typing discrepancies in blood donors identified by the National Hemovigilance system SIHEVI-INS in Colombia after its implementation in 2018
- ABO Phenotype and Platelet Function in a Population of Regular Apheresis Platelet Donors at 2600 masl