Eslava, Marcela

Mi agenda actual de investigación se enfoca en la relación entre dinámica de empresas, productividad y regulaciones. Soy co-editora en jefe de Economía, la revista de LACEA, miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de LACEA, el Regional Standing Committee para Latinoamérica de la Sociedad Econométrica y el Consejo Administrador de Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE), e investigadora afiliada al programa de Pymes de Innovations for Poverty Action
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publicaciones seleccionadas
- Job Creation in Colombia Versus the USA: ‘Up‐or‐out Dynamics’ Meet ‘The Life Cycle of Plants’ 2022
- Public Development Banks and Credit Market Imperfections 2021
- Trade, Quality Upgrading, and Input Linkages: Theory and Evidence from Colombia 2018
- Switching from Payroll Taxes to Corporate Income Taxes: Firms’ Employment and Wages after the 2012 Colombian Tax Reform 2017
- Why Internal Conflict Deteriorates State Capacity? Evidence from Colombian Municipalities 2016
- (Indirect) Input Linkages 2015
- Trade and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia 2013
- The Political Economy Of Fiscal Deficits: A Survey 2011
- Central Bankers in Government Appointed Committees 2010
- Electoral Manipulation Via Voter-friendly Spending: Theory and Evidence 2010
- Factor Adjustments after Deregulation: Panel Evidence from Colombian Plants 2010
- Ciclos políticos de la política fiscal con votantes opuestos al déficit. El caso colombiano 2006
- Plant Turnover and Structural Reforms in Colombia 2006
- The Effects of Structural Reforms on Productivity and Profitability Enhancing Reallocation: Evidence from Colombia 2004
- La regulación de precios del transporte de carga por carretera en Colombia. Una visión de economía política 2000
- ¿Cuál apertura? Evidencia de la fijación de precios en la industria argentina y colombiana 1997
documento de trabajo
- A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics 2021
- A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics 2021
- Estimating Production Functions in Differentiated-Product Industries with Quantity Information and External Instruments 2021
- Estimating Production Functions in Differentiated-Product Industries with Quantity Information and External Instruments 2021
- Estimating Production Functions in Differentiated-Product Industries with Quantity Information and External Instruments 2021
- Economías emergentes y COVID-19 Cierres en un mundo de empresas informales y pequeñas 2020
- EMEs and COVID-19: Shutting Down in a World of Informal and Tiny Firms 2020
- EMEs and COVID-19: Shutting Down in a World of Informal and Tiny Firms 2020
- Estimating Production Functions in Differentiated-Product Industries with Quantity Information and External Instruments 2020
- The Life-cycle Growth of Plants: The Role of Productivity, Demand and Wedges 2020
- Job Creation in Colombia vs the U.S.: "Up or Out Dynamics" Meets "The Life Cycle of Plants" 2019-02
- The Costs of Bureaucracy and Corruption at Customs: Evidence from the Computerization of Imports in Colombia 2019-02
- The socioeconomic patterns of COVID outside advanced economies: the case of Bogotá 2019
- Micro datos para el estudio de la productividad en América Latina 2018
- Corruption, Custom Reform and Firm Growth: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Colombia 2017
- The Drivers of Life-cycle Growth of Manufacturing Plants 2017
- The Life-Cycle Growth of Plants in Colombia: Fundamentals vs. Distortions 2017
- Public Development Banks and Credit Market Imperfections 2016
- A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics 2015
- Notas sobre política de desarrollo productivo en Colombia 2014-11
- Credit Constraints and Business Performance: Evidence from Public Lending in Colombia 2014-10
- Trade, Skills, and Quality Upgrading: A Theory with Evidence from Colombia 2014-03
- The Effects of Regulations and Business Cycles on Temporary Contracts, the Organization of Firms and Productivity 2014-02
- Public-Private Collaboration on Productive Development Policies in Colombia 2014
- Do Modern Time Wars Make States?: Panel Data Evidence 2013-12
- Why Internal Conflict Deteriorates State Capacity?: Evidence from Colombian Municipalities 2013-12
- Public Private Collaboration for Productive Development Policies in Colombia 2013-09
- Online Appendix to Trade and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia 2012
- Second-tier Government Banks and Access to Credit: Micro-Evidence from Colombia 2012
- Second-tier Government Banks and Firm Performance: Micro-Evidence from Colombia 2012
- Trade, Competition and Quality-Upgrading: A Theory with Evidence from Colombia 2012
- Young Businesses, Entrepreneurship, and the Dynamics of Employment and Output in Colombia´s Manufacturing Industry 2012
- Trade, Technical Change and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia 2011
- Scarring Recessions and Credit Constraints: Evidence from Colombian Plant Dynamics 2010-08
- Political Fragmentation and Government Spending: Bringing Ideological Polarization into the Picture 2010-01
- Politics, Policies and the Dynamics of Aggregate Productivity in Colombia 2009-09
- Trade Reforms and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia 2009
- Export Dynamics in Colombia: Transactions Level Evidence 2008-07
- Export Dynamics in Colombia: Firm Level Evidence 2007-10
- Export Growth in Colombia: Firm Level Evidence 2007-07
- Central Bankers in Government Appointed Committees 2007-02
- Export Dynamics in Colombia: Firm-Level Evidence 2007
- The Political Economy of Fiscal Policy: Survey 2006-10
- Pork Barrel Cycles 2006-08
- Factor Adjustments after Deregulation: Panel Evidence from Colombian Plants 2005-10
- Political Budget Cycles or Voters as Fiscal Conservatives?: Evidence from Colombia 2005-02
- Electoral Manipulation via Expenditure Composition: Theory and Evidence 2005-01
- The Effects of Structural Reforms on Productivity and Profitability Enhancing Reallocation: Evidence from Colombia 2004-05
- The Effect of Structural Reforms on Productivity and Profitability Enhancing Reallocation: Evidence from Colombia 2004-03
- The Political Business Cycle in Colombia on the National and Regional Level 2003-01
- Notas sobre la tasa de interés y la inflación en Colombia 1997-07
- Covid-19 consecuencias y desafíos en la economía colombiana. Una mirada desde las universidades 2022
- Covid-19 consecuencias y desafíos en la economía colombiana. Una mirada desde las universidades 2022
- RED 2018. Instituciones para la productividad: Hacia un mejor entorno empresarial
- RED 2018: Institutions for Productivity: Towards a Better Business Environment

Palabras claves
- Demografía empresarial
- Políticas de desarrollo productivo
- Productividad y fallas en la asignación de recursos

nombre completo