publicaciones seleccionadas
- Medición de citoquinas mediante una técnica multiplex por citometría espectral: aplicación en el estudio de la inmunobiología de la ascariasis 2024-04-23
- Comparison of Antibody Responses against Two Molecules from Ascaris lumbricoides: The Allergen Asc l 5 and the Immunomodulatory Protein Al-CPI 2023-10-16
- The Allergenic Activity of Blo t 2, a Blomia tropicalis IgE-Binding Molecule 2023-03-14
- Structural and allergenic properties of the fatty acid binding protein from shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei 2022-05
- Medición de la calidad de vida de pacientes con artritis reumatoide atendidos en el Hospital Universitario del Caribe, Bolívar, Colombia 2021-10-15
- Iron status in late pregnancy is inversely associated with birth weight in Colombia 2021-10
- Cost‐effectiveness of the subcutaneous house dust mite allergen immunotherapy plus pharmacotherapy for allergic asthma: A mathematical model 2021-07-19
- An Engineered Hybrid Protein from Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Allergens Shows Hypoallergenicity 2019-06-21
- Hygienic conditions influence sensitization to Blomia tropicalis allergenic components: Results from the FRAAT birth cohort 2019-03-04
- House Dust Mite Allergy Under Changing Environments 2019
- Health care costs and resource utilization for different asthma severity stages in Colombia: a claims data analysis 2018-12
- Evaluation of a Guidelines-Based Approach to the Treatment of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria 2017-07
- Dengue, Chikunguña y Zika en Colombia 2015-2016 2017-05-25
- A recombinant cystatin from Ascaris lumbricoides attenuates inflammation of DSS-induced colitis 2017-04
- Interleukins (from IL-1 to IL-38), interferons, transforming growth factor β, and TNF-α: Receptors, functions, and roles in diseases 2016-10
- Particularities of allergy in the Tropics 2016-06
- Prediction of the Efficacy of Antihistamines in Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria Based on Initial Suppression of the Histamine- Induced Wheal 2016-06
- Inmunorregulación inducida por helmintos: una actualización 2016-04-01
- A Recombinant Cystatin from Ascaris Lumbricoides Has Immunomodulatory Effects 2016-02
- Analysis of glutathione S-transferase allergen cross-reactivity in a North American population: Relevance for molecular diagnosis 2015-11
- Analysis of GST Allergen Cross-Reactivity in a North American Population for Molecular Diagnosis 2015-02
- Early life IgE responses in children living in the tropics: A prospective analysis 2013
- The Influence of Chitin on the Immune Response to the House Dust Mite Allergen Blo t 12 2013
- Altered Composition Of Gut Microflora In Wheezing Infants From Cartagena, A Tropical City Of Colombia 2011-02
- Evaluation of IgE responses against Blo t 8, a Glutathione S Transferase (GST) from Blomia tropicalis (Bt) mite 2010-02
- Immunological characterization of a Blo t 12 isoallergen: identification of immunoglobulin E epitopes 2009-04
- Carga econômica associada à covid-19 em um departamento do Caribe colombiano, 2020 e 2021
- Economic burden due to COVID-19 in a Colombian Caribbean state, 2020 and 2021
- Human Ascaris infection is associated with higher frequencies of IL-10 producing B cells