Artículo académico
Is natural gas a backup fuel against shortages of biogas or a threat to the Swedish vision of pursuing a vehicle fleet independent of fossil fuels?
Is the ideal mother a sensitive mother? Beliefs about early childhood parenting in mothers across the globe
Is the Pauli exclusion principle the origin of electron localisation?
Isolation and serological analyses of fungal melanins
Isolation of Cryptococcus gattii molecular type VGIII from Corymbia ficifolia detritus in Colombia
It’s not right but it’s permitted: Wording effects in moral judgement
James Parkinson and his essay on “shaking palsy”, two hundred years later
Jean Martin Charcot, padre de la neurología moderna
Jeffrey Alexander y Carlo Tognato, The Civil Sphere in Latin America
John Huglins Jackson y su contribución al estudio de la epilepsia
Joint criminal enterprise and its extended form: A theory of co-perpetration giving rise to principal liability, a notion of accessorial liability, or a form of partnership in crime?
Joint position sense is bilaterally reduced for shoulder abduction and flexion in chronic hemiparetic individuals
José Celestino Mutis. Padre de la Medicina en Colombia
Journal titles and mission statements: Lexical structure, diversity, and readability in business, management and accounting research
Judges, litigants, and the politics of rights enforcement in Argentina
Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz: un modelo de justicia transicional en Colombia
Jurisdicciones constitucional y especial indigena colombianas
Just Memories: Remembrance and Restoration in the Aftermath of Political Violence
Justicia transicional: dilemas y remedios para lidiar con el pasado
Justicia y Democracia
Justicia y equidad en salud: un reto para la formación de los profesionales de la salud
Justicia, (des)orden y grupos al margen de la ley: Miradas cruzadas sobre Brasil, México y Colombia
Justificación axiológica y económica del deber de reparación del Estado
Juvenile polyautoimmunity in a rheumatology setting
Kaleidoscopes of violence against indigenous women (VAIW) in Colombia: the experiences of Pan-Amazonian women
Kant: Defensa Y Límites De La Razón
Kantx: defensa y límites de la razón
Kepler y el teorema fundamental de la óptica
Kepler: Analogies in the search for the law of refraction
Kids CLUB: una empresa que camina con la innovacion