publicaciones seleccionadas
panel de conferencia
- A Mathematical Model Under Uncertainty for Optimizing Medicine Logistics in Hospitals 2018-1-1
- A fuzzy linear fractional programming approach to design of distribution networks 2018-1-1
- A hybrid rule-based and fuzzy logic model to diagnostic financial area for MSMEs 2018-1-1
- A note about the (x, y) coordinates of the centroid of a fuzzy set 2018-1-1
- A two-phase method to periodic vehicle routing problem with variable service frequency 2018-1-1
- A distance measure between fuzzy variables 2017-1-1
- A fuzzy inference system to scheduling tasks in queueing systems 2017-1-1
- A hybrid system dynamics and fuzzy logic approach to social problem of corruption in Colombia 2017-1-1
- A three-step deep neural network methodology for exchange rate forecasting 2017-1-1
- Simulation of fuzzy inference system to task scheduling in queueing networks 2017-1-1
- Solving the interval green inventory routing problem using optimization and genetic algorithms 2017-1-1
- A column generation approach for solving a green bi-objective inventory routing problem 2016-1-1
- A hybrid scatter search algorithm to solve the capacitated arc routing problem with refill points 2016-1-1
- A variable neighborhood search approach for the capacitated m-Ring-Star problem 2016-1-1
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