publicaciones seleccionadas artículo académico Mental health prevalence and predictors among university students in nine countries during the COVID‑19 pandemic:: a cross‑national study 2021-9-20 A comparison of depression and anxiety among university students in nine countries during the covid-19 pandemic 2021-7-1 Satisfaction with life among university students from nine countries: Cross-national study during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic 2021-12-12 Mental health prevalence and predictors among university students in nine countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-national study 2021-12-1 Step-by-step method to classify corporate sustainability practices based on the Signaling Theory 2021-10-3 Sustainability disclosure practices as seen through the lens of the signaling theory: A study of companies listed on the Colombian Stock Exchange 2021-10-1 A step-by-step method to classify corporate sustainability practices based on the Signaling Theory 2021-1-1 Emprendimiento social vs innovación social: ¿Dos caras de lamisma moneda? 2020-9-25 Critical factors for innovative work behaviour in Latin American firms: Test of an exploratory model 2020-8-31 Gestión empresarial en la prevención de riesgos por parte de mipymes 2018-1-1 Leadership and Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior: Test of a Mediation and Moderation Model 2017-8-25 Analysing the role of framework conditions influencing international entrepreneurial opportunity identification process 2017-1-1 Entrepreneurial orientation and its impact on the improvement of technological capability in Colombia 2014-1-1 Technological Capability Improvement as Result of the Entrepreneur’s Search for innovation in the SMEs in Colombia 2012-1-1 capítulo Aprendizaje basado en retos:: La Universidad del Rosario construye con NAOS Colombia soluciones empresariales 2020-7-1 Finding an Equilibrium between seeking-profit and Work-Life-Balance: The Challenge of Entrepreneurs within their SMEs 2019-9-1 Fortalecimiento del Desarrollo Sostenible en Bogotá por Medio de la Creación de Valor Compartido por parte de las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (Mipymes) 2015-1-1 Technology-intensive suppliers as a key element for structural change in Latin America 2014-6-1 panel de conferencia Capital intelectual, ambidiestralidad e Internacionalización empresarial de pymes colombianas. 2020-8-26 Reconfigurando las capacidades dinámicas organizacionales para fomentar la internacionalización de Pymes en países emergentes 2020-8-24 Dynamic Entrepreneurial Capabilities: The Genesis for Ambidextrous SMEs. A Colombian Case Study 2020-8-20 How Micro and Small Business Improve their Capabilities:: Analyzing the Role of Absorptive Capacity 2018-1-1 Absortive Capacity and Organizational Climate for Innovation in a Group of Vietnamese Companies: An Exploratory Study 2017-1-1 Conventional versus Dynamic measures of Export Performance 2014-1-1 Societal entrepreneurship and its impact on the creation of value locally 2014-1-1 Technological Capability Development as Result of the Entrepreneur's Search for Innovation in the SMEs in Colombia 2011-1-1
dirección postal Universidad del Rosario. Sede del Emprendimiento y la Innovación. Calle 200 entre Autopista Norte y Carrera séptima. Bogotá, Colombia.