publicaciones seleccionadas artículo académico Why rebels stop fighting: Organizational decline and desertion in colombia’s insurgency 2021-4-20 Structural analysis of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire in population exposed to armed conflicts. 2021-1-1 The ironic effect of deliberation: what we can (and cannot) expect in deeply divided societies 2020-4-1 Neurocognitive reorganization of emotional processing following a socio-cognitive intervention in Colombian ex-combatants 2020-3-9 Validation of the Extreme Experiences Scale (EX2) for Armed Conflict Contexts 2020-1-1 Executive and behavioral characterization of chronic exposure to armed conflict among War Victims and Veterans 2019-11-1 THE DEEP EFFECTS OF ARMED CONFLICT: INTERVENING IN THE COMPLEXITIES OF POST-CONFLICT RECONCILIATION 2019-10-1 Atypical modulations of N170 component during emotional processing and their links to social behaviors in ex-combatants 2017-5-23 The Effect of Perspective-Giving on Postconflict Reconciliation. An Experimental Approach 2017-2-1 How Empathic Are War Veterans? An Examination of the Psychological Impacts of Combat Exposure 2017-10-23 When War Adversaries Talk: The Experimental Effect of Engagement Rules on Postconflict Deliberation 2016-9-1 There is No Pill for Deliberation: Explaining Discourse Quality in Post-conflict Communities 2016-3-1 Reconciliation: A comprehensive framework for empirical analysis 2016-12-1 ¿Son los guerrilleros diferentes de los paramilitares? Una integración y validación sistemática de estudios motivacionales en colombia 2016-1-1 Victims, nonvictims and their opinions on transitional justice: Findings from the Colombian case 2015-7-1 Democratic Deliberation in Deeply Divided Societies: From Conflict to Common Ground 2014-5-26 ¿Qué se negocia en los procesos de paz? Agendas y factores de éxito 1989-2012 2014-1-1 The Relevance of Ideology to Contemporary Armed Conflicts: A Quantitative Analysis of Former Combatants in Colombia 2013-6-1 La dimensión política del postconflicto: discusiones conceptuales y avances empíricos 2013-1-1 La opción deliberativa y la profundización de la democracia en Colombia 2012-9-19 Favorable Conditions for Epistemic Validity in Deliberative Experiments: A Methodological Assesment 2012-4-16 Ideologies and conflict in the post-Cold War 2009-2-13 capítulo Beating the odds. Confrontational deliberative democracy 2014-6-26 Deliberation in contexts of conflict: An introduction 2014-6-26 The Citizens, the Politicians and the Courts: A Preliminary Assessment of Deliberative Capacity in Colombia 2014-6-26 Avances y resultados de la investigación empírica sobre deliberación 2012-4-30 documento de trabajo An Experimental Approach to Postconflict Reconciliation. The Effect of Perspective-giving on Attitudes of Conflict-affected Populations 2014-1-1 libro Militares y Guerrillas: La Memoria Histórica del Conflicto Armado en Colombia desde los Archivos Militares 1958-2016 2018-4-1 El giro deliberativo en la democracia. Teoría y evidencia empírica 2012-1-1