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Ramos Pismataro, Francesca  |  Investigador


Professional in Finance and International Relations from the Externado de Colombia University, with a Master's degree in European Business from the Grande École de Commerce de Paris ESCP and from the European School of Management (Paris and Oxford campus). He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Political Studies at the Externado de Colombia University.

Main professor of career in the Faculty of International, Political and Urban Studies of the Universidad del Rosario. Director of the Observatory of Venezuela. It is dedicated to the study of the political and international dynamics of Venezuela, and of the neighborhood with Colombia. In recent years, he has written about the political regime, parallel institutions and the militarization of power in Venezuela. Among his latest publications is the co-edition of the book De Chávez a Maduro: Balance y Perspectivas. He currently coordinates the Colombian-Venezuelan Studies Network in Colombia.

Recognition Distinguished Professor of the Faculty of International Relations of the Universidad del Rosario, 2006.

Annual Award for Teaching of Excellence "Juan Agustín Uricoechea y Navarro" to the best professor of the Faculty of International Relations of the Universidad del Rosario, 2004, 2005 and 2018. Areas of interest: Paradigms in the Venezuelan political process, Colombian Binational Relations- Venezuelans and Security and Civil-Military Relations

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