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Trujillo, Carlos Alejandro  |  Investigador

​​Carlos Alejandro Trujillo Anaya. B.S. Engineering Physics, M.S Engineering and Ph.D. in Physics from the National University of Colombia - Medellín campus. Full professor of Fundamental Sciences at the EAFIT University School of Applied Sciences and Engineeering. Professor Trujillo belongs to the research group in applied optics of the same university. 15 years university teaching experience in physics, optics, photonics, digital electronics, microcontrollers, machine learning and computer vision. His principal research interests include, but are not limited to, microscopy, digital holography, quantitative phase imaging, image processing, and deep learning.Professor Trujillo has authored and co-authored 40 articles published in scientific journals with international peer review, as well as presentations at national and international conferences. Similarly, He has been granted an invention patent and two software registrations. He has served as a peer reviewer for high impact magazines in the applied optics area such as Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Optics Letters, Applied Optics and Optics Express.

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