publicaciones seleccionadas
- A Multiple-Baseline Evaluation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Focused on Repetitive Negative Thinking for Comorbid Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression 2020
- Psychological inflexibility and clinical impact: Adaptation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II in a sample of patients on haemodialysis treatment,Inflexibilidad psicológica e impacto clínico: adaptación del Cuestionario de aceptación y acción-II en una muestra de pacientes en tratamiento de hemodiálisis 2020
- Psychological inflexibility and clinical impact: Adaptation of the acceptance and action questionnaire-II in a sample of patients on haemodialysis treatment,Inflexibilidad psicológica e impacto clínico: adaptación del Cuestionario de Aceptación y Acción-II en una muestra de pacientes en tratamiento de hemodiálisis 2020
- Acceptance and commitment training focused on repetitive negative thinking for clinical psychology trainees: A randomized controlled trial 2019
- Adapting the perseverative thinking questionnaire for measuring repetitive negative thinking in clinical psychology trainees 2019
- Development and initial validation of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire 2019
- Generalized Pliance in Relation to Contingency Insensitivity and Mindfulness 2019
- How are triggers for repetitive negative thinking organized? A relational frame analysis,Análisis de la organización de los disparadores del pensamiento negativo repetitivo desde la teoría del marco relacional 2019
- Psychometric properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire – Youth in Colombia 2019
- Single-case experimental design evaluation of repetitive negative thinking-focused acceptance and commitment therapy in generalized anxiety disorder with couple-related worry 2019
- The increase in emotional symptoms of novice clinical psychology trainees compared with a control cohort,El incremento en síntomas emocionales en practicantes de psicología clínica en comparación con una cohorte control 2019
- Validity of the satisfaction with life scale in Colombia and factorial equivalence with spanish data,Validez de la escala de satisfacción con la vida en Colombia y equivalencia factorial con datos españoles 2019
- A multiple-baseline evaluation of a brief acceptance and commitment therapy protocol focused on repetitive negative thinking for moderate emotional disorders 2018
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of third-wave online interventions for depression,Revisión sistemática y meta-análisis de las intervenciones de tercera generación online para depresión 2018
- Experiential Avoidance as a Common Psychological Process in European Cultures 2018
- Penn State Worry Questionnaire-11 validity in Colombia and factorial equivalence across gender and nonclinical and clinical samples,Validez del penn state worry questionnaire-11 en Colombia y equivalencia factorial a través de género y muestras clínicas y no clínicas 2018
- Psychometric properties of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire -children 2018
- A longitudinal comparison of metacognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy models of anxiety disorders,Una comparación longitudinal de los modelos de los trastornos de ansiedad de la terapia metacognitiva y la terapia de aceptación y compromiso 2017
- General Health Questionnaire-12 validity in Colombia and factorial equivalence between clinical and nonclinical participants 2017
- Promoting Psychological Flexibility on Tolerance Tasks: Framing Behavior Through Deictic/Hierarchical Relations and Specifying Augmental Functions 2017
- Psychometric properties and factor structure of the ruminative responses scale-short form in Colombia 2017
- Psychometric properties of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire in Colombia,Propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Fusión Cognitiva en Colombia 2017
- The hierarchical factor structure of the spanish version of depression anxiety and stress scale-21 2017
- The predictive and moderating role of psychological flexibility in the development of job burnout 2017
- Validity Evidence of the Spanish Version of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-8 in Colombia 2017
- Dificultades y barreras del terapeuta en el aprendizaje de la Terapia de Aceptacion y Compromiso (ACT),Difficulties and Therapist's Barriers while Learning ACT 2016
- Effect of a one-session ACT protocol in disrupting repetitive negative thinking: A randomized multiple-baseline design 2016
- Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale Revised in Colombian undergraduates 2016
- Psychometric Properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II in Colombia 2016
- Psychometric properties of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale in Colombian undergraduates 2016
- The effect on intelligence quotient of training fluency in relational frames of coordination 2016
- The role of common physical properties and augmental functions in metaphor effect 2016
- The role of psychological inflexibility in beck’s cognitive model of depression in a sample of undergraduates,El papel de la inflexibilidad psicológica en el modelo cognitivo de la depresión de Beck en una muestra de universitarios 2016
- Application of a relational frame theory account of psychological flexibility in young children,Aplicación de una aproximación a la flexibilidad psicológica basada en la teoría del marco relacional en niños 2015
- Common physical properties among relational networks improve analogy aptness 2015
- Comparing Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Models of Depression: a Longitudinal Study Survey 2015
- Factor structure and psychometric properties of the spanish version of the “dysfunctional attitude scale-revised” 2015
- The effect of relational training on intelligence quotient: A case study,El efecto del entrenamiento en comportamiento relacional sobre el cociente de inteligencia: Un estudio de caso 2015
- A further experimental step in the analysis of hierarchical responding 2014
- Brief ACT protocol in at-risk adolescents with conduct disorder and impulsivity 2014
- Effects of an acceptance/defusion intervention on experimentally induced generalized avoidance: A laboratory demonstration 2014
- Psychological inflexibility mediates the effects of self-efficacy and anxiety sensitivity on worry 2014
- The Spanish version of the Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ),Versión española del Cuestionario de Aceptación y Acción Relacionado con el Trabajo (WAAQ) 2014
- The Spanish version of the believability of anxious feelings and Thoughts Questionnaire,Versión española del Cuestionario de Credibilidad de Sentimientos y Pensamientos Ansiógenos 2014
- The relationship between low levels of mindfulness skills and pathological worry: The mediating role of psychological inflexibility,La relación entre niveles bajos de habilidades de mindfulness y preocupación patológica: El rol mediador de la inflexibilidad psicológica 2014
- Extinction of aversive eliciting functions as an analog of exposure to conditioned fear: Does it alter avoidance responding? 2013
- Measuring experiential avoidance and psychological inflexibility: The Spanish version of the acceptance and action questionnaire - II,Midiendo la evitación experiencial y la infl exibilidad psicológica: Versión española del cuestionario de aceptación y acción - II 2013
- A preliminary demonstration of transformation of functions through hierarchical relations 2012
- Acceptance and commitment therapy versus traditional cognitive behavioral therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of current empirical evidence 2012
- Improving international-level chess players' performance with an acceptance-based protocol: Preliminary findings 2012
- Interference of direct and derived suppression on a high cognitive demand task,Interferencia de la supresión directa y derivada en una tarea de alta demanda cognitiva. Un estudio preliminar 2012
- A relational frame analysis of defusion interactions in acceptance and commitment therapy. A preliminary and quasi-experimental study with at-risk adolescents 2011
- Cross-domain analogies as relating derived relations among two separate relational networks 2011
- A review of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) empirical evidence: Correlational, experimental psychopathology, component and outcome studies 2010
- The role of experiential avoidance in the performance on a high cognitive demand task 2010
- Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and improving chess performance in promising young chess-players,Eficacia de la terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT) en la mejora del rendimiento ajedrecístico de jóvenes promesas 2009
- Brief acceptance-based protocols applied to the work with adolescents 2009