publicaciones seleccionadas
- Does singing enhance cooperation more than speaking does? A global experimental Stage 1 Registered Report 2024-06-19
- The interplay of music, movement, and culture on rhythm processing 2024-06-19
- Dehumanization effects on agency, punishment, and resocialization attributions toward ex-perpetrators in postconflict. 2024-02-08
- Distinctiveness and femininity, rather than symmetry and masculinity, affect facial attractiveness across the world 2023-10
- Cross-cultural relationships between music, emotion, and visual imagery: A comparative study of Iran, Canada, and Japan [Stage 1 Registered Report] 2023-08-29
- What can the eyes tell us about atypical sexual preferences as a function of sex and age? Linking eye movements with child-related chronophilias 2023-06-12
- Meta-análisis de correlaciones y meta-regresión en R: Guía práctica 2023-04-10
- What can the eyes tell us about atypical sexual preferences as a function of sex and age? Linking eye movements with child-related chronophilias 2023-03-24
- Cross-cultural relationships between music, emotion, and visual imagery: A comparative study of Iran, Canada, and Japan [Stage 1 Registered Report] 2023
- Data from an International Multi-Centre Study of Statistics and Mathematics Anxieties and Related Variables in University Students (the SMARVUS Dataset) 2023
- Distinctiveness and femininity, rather than symmetry and masculinity, affect facial attractiveness across the world 2023
- Meta-análisis de correlaciones y meta-regresión en R: Guía práctica 2023
- Men say “I love you” before women do: Robust across several countries 2022-06
- The price of prosociality in pandemic times 2022-01-07
- Musicality in human vocal communication: an evolutionary perspective 2022-01-03
- Predicting strength from aggressive vocalizations versus speech in African bushland and urban communities 2021-12-20
- Voice modulation: from origin and mechanism to social impact 2021-12-20
- Contextualising courtship: Exploring male body odour effects on vocal modulation 2021-12
- Existen diferencias en la ratio 2D:4D entre delincuentes sexuales y no sexuales, y hombres no delincuentes? Un estudio en una muestra colombiana 2021-08-30
- Facial attractiveness and preference of sexual dimorphism: A comparison across five populations 2021-07-02
- How and why patterns of sexual dimorphism in human faces vary across the world. 2021-03-16
- Cues for facial attractiveness and preference of sexual dimorphism: A comparison across five cultures 2020-04-16
- Self-reported Health is Related to Body Height and Waist Circumference in Rural Indigenous and Urbanised Latin-American Populations 2020-03-09
- Self-reported Health is Related to Body Height and Waist Circumference in Rural Indigenous and Urbanised Latin-American Populations 2020-03-09
- Análisis de poder estadístico y cálculo de tamaño de muestra en R: Guía práctica 2020
- Efectos de la expresión emocional y de la orientación del rostro sobre las respuestas conductuales y el componente N170 2019-11-20
- National income inequality predicts cultural variation in mouth to mouth kissing 2019-04-30
- Self-reported Health is Related to Body Height and Waist Circumference in Rural Indigenous and Urbanised Latin-American Populations 2019-02-27
- Differences in Visual Attention Patterns to Sexually Mature and Immature Stimuli Between Heterosexual Sexual Offenders, Nonsexual Offenders, and Nonoffending Men 2019-02-12
- Dehumanization Effects on Agency Attributions, Retributive Justice judgments, and Resocialization Attitudes towards Former Perpetrators in Post-conflict 2019-01-18
- Visual Attention Patterns Differ in Gynephilic and Androphilic Men and Women Depending on Age and Gender of Targets 2019-01-02
- Visual Attention Patterns Differ in Gynephilic and Androphilic Men and Women Depending on Age and Gender of Targets 2019-01-02
- A cross-cultural study of sex-typicality and averageness: Correlation between frontal and lateral measures of human faces 2018-09
- Visually Activating Pathogen Disgust: A New Instrument for Studying the Behavioral Immune System 2018-08-08
- To Which World Regions Does the Valence-Dominance Model of Social Perception Apply? 2018-05-18
- Want to know if your partner’s cheating on you? Just listen to their voice 2018-03-06
- No relation between digit ratio (2D:4D) and visual attention patterns to sexually preferred and non-preferred stimuli 2018-01
- Culpepper Disgust Image Set 2018
- Perceived differences in social status between speaker and listener affect the speaker's vocal characteristics 2017-06-14
- La música como objeto de estudio científico: consideraciones en torno a la musicalidad y el origen de la música 2015-02-02
- Vocal modulation during courtship increases proceptivity even in naive listeners 2014-11
- Contextual Musicality: vocal modulation and its perception in human social interaction 2014
- Sex differences in the incidence of sexual fantasies focused on evolutionary relevant objects 2012
- Digit ratio (2D:4D) predicts facial, but not voice or body odour, attractiveness in men 2011-04-20
- El origen no humano de la música 2008
- Code and Analyses
- Code and Analysis
- Supplementary Material: Code and analyses
- To which world regions does the valence-dominance model of social perception apply?: (Registered Report Stage 2)