publicaciones seleccionadas
artículo académico
- Convergence in retail gasoline prices: insights from Canadian cities 2021-1-1
- Testing for exuberance in house prices using data sampled at different frequencies 2021-1-1
- Multivariate Cointegration and Temporal Aggregation: Some Further Simulation Results 2020-1-1
- Property heterogeneity and convergence club formation among local house prices 2019-3-1
- Climbing the property ladder: An analysis of market integration in London property prices 2018-9-1
- A Pair-wise Analysis of Intra-city Price Convergence Within the Paris Housing Market 2017-1-1
- The expectations hypothesis and decoupling of short- and long-term US interest rates: A pairwise approach 2015-11-1
- A note on the extent of U.S. regional income convergence 2013-6-13
- On the dynamics of gasoline market integration in the United States: Evidence from a pair-wise approach 2013-3-1
- Modelling the behaviour of unemployment rates in the US over time and across space 2013-11-15
- PPP in OECD Countries: An Analysis of Real Exchange Rate Stationarity, Cross-Sectional Dependency and Structural Breaks 2012-1-1
- Real interest parity: A note on Asian countries using panel stationarity tests 2011-12-1
- Investigating regional house price convergence in the United States: Evidence from a pair-wise approach 2011-11-1
- The term structure of interest rates, the expectations hypothesis and international financial integration: Evidence from Asian economies 2011-10-1
- On the stationarity of current account deficits in the European union 2010-9-1
- Are EU budget deficits stationary? 2010-6-1
- Forecasting the spot prices of various coffee types using linear and non-linear error correction models 2004-7-20
- Forecasting the spot spices of various coffee types using linear and non-linear error correction models 2004-7-1
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