publicaciones seleccionadas documento Implementation of System Operation Modes for Health Management and Failure Prognosis in Cyber-Physical Systems 2020-04 Engineering education through an intercontinental PLM collaborative project: The Global Factory case study 2015 From functional prototypes to industrial products 2015 Implementation of ergonomic aspects throughout the engineering design process: Human-Artefact-Context analysis 2015 Solar array design based on shadow analysis for increasing net energy collection in a competition vehicle 2015 Ubiquitous conceptual design of a ubiquitous application: A textile SME case study for real time manufacturing monitoring 2015 Engineering education through an intercontinental PLM collaborative project: The Global Factory case study 2014-10 A systems-engineering approach for virtual/real analysis and validation of an automated greenhouse irrigation system 2014 Designing a concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) system in adjunct with a silicon photovoltaic panel for a solar competition car 2014 Development of a Technology-based Design Environment Focused on Improving User Experience 2014 Heuristics-based design process 2014 Procedure to determine module distribution within a solar array to increase the net energy collection in a solar competition vehicle 2014 Smart experience engineering to support collaborative design problems based on constraints modelling 2014 Towards the maintenance principles of cyber-physical systems 2014 A Knowledge Management Approach through Product Lifecycle Management Implementation: An Industrial Case Study 2013 A knowledge management approach through product lifecycle management implementation: An industrial case study 2013 Experts' Agreement Support for Distributed Engineering Knowledge Modelling 2013 Implementation of conceptual validation of product mock ups with augmented reality 2012-09 Interactive machines for advertising companies 2012-09 A fuzzy negotiation model to assign variable's domain in constraint satisfaction problems: An agent based collaborative engineering modeling case 2012 A multi-agent approach for engineering design knowledge modelling 2011 An academic design methodology for electrical mobility products-from necessity to functional prototype 2011 A Tutor Agent for supporting distributed knowledge modelling in interactive product design 2008 Virtual knowledge modelling for distributed teams: Towards an interactive design approach 2008 Knowledge modelling for supporting decision making in optimal distributed design process 2007