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Afectaciones psicológicas, estrategias de afrontamiento y niveles de resiliencia de adultos expuestos al conflicto armado en Colombia Artículo académico uri icon


  • The psychological symptoms, the coping strategies and the resilience levels of 677 adults exposed to armed conflict in a Colombian town were evaluated. The participants of the study were selected via random sampling by proportional allocation. A questionnaire of symptoms, a test of posttraumatic stress disorder, and several scales of coping strategies and resilience were applied. The main psychological symptoms found were the feeling that someone wanted to harm the participant, alcohol consumption, mood disorders, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress. The coping strategies most employed were religion and waiting until things straightened out by themselves. The level of resilience is moderate. The perception of health is low and the need for health care is high.

fecha de publicación

  • 2016-1-1