publicaciones seleccionadas documento Microstructure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of rhenium nitride hard coating deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering 2023-01 Influence of interfacial density on tribological performance of VN/TiN multilayers 2021-11 Growth and characterization of Rhenium Nitride coatings produced by reactive magnetron sputtering 2021-09 Bioinspired hierarchical impact tolerant materials 2020-06-04 Colombia y la nueva revolución industrial 2020 Electronic and Topological Analysis for New Phases of Chromium Nitride 2018 SYNTHESIS OF ALUMINA THIN FILMS USING REACTIVE MAGNETRON SPUTTERING METHOD 2017-07-01 Study of the suitability of a commercial hydroxyapatite powder to obtain sintered compacts for medical applications 2017-07-01 Mechanical properties study for new hypothetical crystalline phases of ReB2: A computational approach using density functional theory 2016 Diseño e implementación de un reactor de deposición química de vapor para producir películas delgadas 2015-01-01 Development and implementation of a chemical vapor deposition reactor to obtain thin films,Diseño e implementación de un reactor de deposición química de vapor para producir películas delgadas 2015 ESTUDIO DE LAS PROPIEDADES FÍSICAS Y QUÍMICAS DE RECUBRIMIENTOS DE TiO2 ELABORADOS MEDIANTE PROYECCIÓN TÉRMICA POR COMBUSTIÓOXIACETILÉNICA A PARTIR DE POLVOS NANOMÉTRICOS 2014-05-23 Implementation of a preamplifier-amplifier system for radiation detectors used in Mössbauer spectroscopy 2013-02-01 Deposition and characterization of duplex treated coating system applied on hot work steel AISI H13 2012-12-15 Deposition and characterization of duplex treated coating system applied on hot work steel AISI H13 2012 Mechanical Measurements of Multilayer Thin Films Obtained by aPAPVD System 2005-12-01 Mechanical measurements of multilayer thin films obtained by a PAPVD System 2005 Study of multilayer coatings of Ti/TiN/TiC produced by pulsed arc discharge 2004-12-01 Correlation between plasma characterization and growth of fullerene-like CNx thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation 2004-11-01 Study of multilayer coatings of Ti/TiN/TiC produced by pulsed arc discharge 2004 Carbon‐Based Coatings Production By Arc Plasma 2001-05-22 Droplets Presence in Tin Hard Coatings Produced by Arc Plasma with Varying Process Parameters 2001-05-22