publicaciones seleccionadas
artículo académico
- Latent autoimmune thyroid disease 2020-1-5
- Bystander activation and autoimmunity 2019-9-1
- Cytokine imbalance in patients with systemic sclerosis and resilience: the key role of interleukin-6 2019-7-1
- Sjögren’s Syndrome and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease: Two Sides of the Same Coin 2019-6-15
- La résilience chez les patientes atteintes de maladies auto-immunes 2019-5-3
- Cluster analysis of autoimmune rheumatic diseases based on autoantibodies. New insights for polyautoimmunity 2019-3-1
- Ebola virus disease: An emerging and re-emerging viral threat 2019-12-3
- Guillain–Barré syndrome, transverse myelitis and infectious diseases 2018-6-1
- Autoimmune neurological conditions associated with zika virus infection 2018-4-11
- Progress towards precision medicine for lupus: The role of genetic biomarkers 2018-3-15
- Discordancia entre métodos de detección de autoanticuerpos 2018-2-1
- Ecología autoinmune en mujeres 2018-2-1
- Interacciones entre citoquinas y resiliencia en pacientes con esclerosis sistémica 2018-2-1
- Mayaro: an emerging viral threat? 2018-12-1
- Molecular mimicry and autoimmunity 2018-12-1
- Resilience in women with autoimmune rheumatic diseases 2018-12-1
- Original antigenic sin: A comprehensive review 2017-9-1
- Zika virus and autoimmunity. One-step forward 2017-12-1
- Cytokine and autoantibody clusters interaction in systemic lupus erythematosus 2017-11-25
- Cytokines and Autoantibody Cluster-Interaction in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. a Systems Medicine Approach 2017-10-1
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