Paul Rodriguez-Lesmes is an assistant o professor in the School of Economics at the Universidad del Rosario. He is currently a member of the iHEA Board of Directors as the Latin American representative, a member of the LACEA Latin American and Caribbean Health Economics Network (LAHEN), and a regular contributor to the Colombian Institute for Health Technology Assessment (IETS), the Colombian Fund for High Cost Disease (CAC), and the Inter-American Development Bank. He holds a PhD in Economics from University College London (2016), and worked with the World Bank and the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) in the UK. His research focuses mainly on the area of health economics, in terms of policies associated with healthy behaviours and chronic disease prevention; demographics and child development; regulation of health markets such as pharmaceuticals or personnel; and financing and universal coverage of health services. He also works in areas of applied microeconomics such as education and informal labour markets.
Paul Rodriguez-Lesmes is an assistant o professor in the School of Economics at the Universidad del Rosario. He is currently a member of the iHEA Board of Directors as the Latin American representative, a member of the LACEA Latin American and Caribbean Health Economics Network (LAHEN), and a regular contributor to the Colombian Institute for Health Technology Assessment (IETS), the Colombian Fund for High Cost Disease (CAC), and the Inter-American Development Bank. He holds a PhD in Econ (... more)