publicaciones seleccionadas
- A many-objective optimization approach for weight gain and animal welfare in rotational grazing of cattle 2024-07
- A many-objective optimization approach for weight gain and animal welfare in rotational grazing of cattle 2024-07
- A meta-learning approach in a cattle weight identification system for anomaly detection 2024-02
- A meta-learning approach in a cattle weight identification system for anomaly detection 2024-02
- LMS (Learning Management System) Applying MQTT-IOT Networks and Smart Cities 2024
- LMS (Learning Management System) Applying MQTT-IOT Networks and Smart Cities 2024
- An autonomous system for the self-supervision of animal fattening in the context of precision livestock farming 2023-09
- An autonomous system for the self-supervision of animal fattening in the context of precision livestock farming 2023-09
- Preliminary rain rate statistics with one‐minute integration time for radio propagation uses in Venezuela 2023-03
- Preliminary rain rate statistics with one‐minute integration time for radio propagation uses in Venezuela 2023-03
- Autonomic computing in a beef-production process for Precision Livestock Farming 2023-02
- Autonomic computing in a beef-production process for Precision Livestock Farming 2023-02
- A smart DDMRP model using machine learning techniques 2023
- A smart DDMRP model using machine learning techniques 2023
- Autonomic computing in a beef-production process for Precision Livestock Farming 2023
- Autonomic computing in a beef-production process for Precision Livestock Farming 2023
- Supervision System of the Fattening Process of Cattle in Rotational Grazing using Fuzzy Classification 2022-10-17
- Supervision System of the Fattening Process of Cattle in Rotational Grazing using Fuzzy Classification 2022-10-17
- Evaluation of 1-Minute Integration Time Rain Rate Statistics in Ecuador for Radio Propagation Applications 2022-07
- Evaluation of 1-Minute Integration Time Rain Rate Statistics in Ecuador for Radio Propagation Applications 2022-07
- Evaluation of One-Minute Integration Time Rain Rate Statistics in Ecuador for Radio Propagation Applications 2022
- Evaluation of One-Minute Integration Time Rain Rate Statistics in Ecuador for Radio Propagation Applications 2022
- Weight-Identification Model of Cattle Using Machine-Learning Techniques for Anomaly Detection 2021-12-05
- Weight-Identification Model of Cattle Using Machine-Learning Techniques for Anomaly Detection 2021-12-05
- A systematic literature review on the use of artificial intelligence in energy self-management in smart buildings 2021-11
- A systematic literature review on the use of artificial intelligence in energy self-management in smart buildings 2021-11
- A systematic literature review on the use of machine learning in precision livestock farming 2020-12
- A systematic literature review on the use of machine learning in precision livestock farming 2020-12
- Automatic recognition of misspelled words from spanish based on the systematic functioning of the brain: Ar2p-tex,Reconocimiento automático de palabras mal escritas del español basado en el funcionamiento sistemático del cerebro: Ar2p-tex 2020
- Automatic recognition of misspelled words from spanish based on the systematic functioning of the brain: Ar2p-tex,Reconocimiento automático de palabras mal escritas del español basado en el funcionamiento sistemático del cerebro: Ar2p-tex 2020
- MIDRA-OAA: Autonomic reflective middleware for adaptive learning object management,MIDRA-OAA: Middleware reflexivo autonómico para la gestión de objetos de aprendizaje adaptativos 2020
- MIDRA-OAA: Autonomic reflective middleware for adaptive learning object management,MIDRA-OAA: Middleware reflexivo autonómico para la gestión de objetos de aprendizaje adaptativos 2020
- An ontological model based on the ontology driven architecture paradigm for a middleware in the management of nano-devices in a smart environment 2019-11
- An ontological model based on the ontology driven architecture paradigm for a middleware in the management of nano-devices in a smart environment 2019-11
- Linked data and dialetheic logic for localization-aware applications 2019
- Linked data and dialetheic logic for localization-aware applications 2019
- Emotion-Recognition System for Smart Environments Using Acoustic Information (ERSSE)
- Mes Más Desfavorable de la Tasa de Precipitación en Venezuela, con Tiempo de Integración de 1-minuto, para Aplicaciones de Radiopropagación