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Wilmsmeier, Gordon

Facultad de Administración Universidad de los Andes
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publicaciones seleccionadas
- Deep Adaptation to Climate Change in The Maritime Transport Sector – A New Paradigm for Maritime Economics? 2020
- Port system evolution – the emergence of second-tier hubs 2019
- Connecting the world through global shipping networks 2017
- Institutional Structure and Agency in the Governance of Spatial Diversification of Port System Evolution in Latin America 2016
- The Production of Capitalist “Smooth” Space in Global Port Operations 2015
- Port Geography at the Crossroads with Human Geography: Between Flows and Spaces 2014
- Port System Evolution – the Case of Latin America and the Caribbean 2014
- The Impact of Container Type Diversification on Regional British Port Development Strategies 2014
- Counterbalancing Peripherality and Concentration: an Analysis of the UK Container Port System 2013
- The Role of Intermodal Transport in Port Regionalisation 2013
- Costs, Revenue, Service Attributes and Competition in Shipping 2012
- Giving a Direction to Port Regionalisation 2012
- IAME 2011 -- Contemporary Studies on Maritime Transport in Latin America 2012
- Port-centric logistics, dry ports and offshore logistics hubs: strategies to overcome double peripherality? 2012
- The Dry Port Concept – Theory and Practice 2012
- The Geography of Maritime Transportation: Space as a Perspective in Maritime Transport Research 2012
- Public Tendering of Ferry Services in Europe 2011
- The Directional Development of Intermodal Freight Corridors in Relation to Inland Terminals 2011
- Trade Responses to Freight Rates: the Case of Intra Latiamerican Maritime Trade 2011
- “Special Issue on Latin-American Research” Maritime Networks, Services Structure and Maritime Trade 2011
- Evolution of Shipping Networks 2010
- International Transport Costs and the Margins of Intra-Latin American Maritime Trade 2010
- The Best of the Best from IAME 2009 2010
- The Geography of Maritime Transport - Space as a Perspective in Maritime Research and Development 2010
- Determinants of Maritime Transport Costs -- a Panel Data Analysis for Latin American Trade 2009
- The Relevance of International Transport Costs on Food Prices: Endogenous and Exogenous Effects 2009
- Liner Shipping Connectivity and Port Infrastructure as Determinants of Freight Rates in the Caribbean 2008
- Chapter 9 The River Plate Basin - A Comparison of Port Devolution Processes on the East Coast of South America 2006
- The Impact of Port Characteristics on International Maritime Transport Costs 2006
- Short-Sea Shipping Potentials in Central America to Bridge Infrastructural Gaps 2005
- Port Efficiency and International Trade: Port Efficiency as a Determinant of Maritime Transport Costs 2003
documento de trabajo
- La movilidad fluvial en América del Sur: avances y tareas pendientes en materia de políticas públicas 2017-12
- Joint Paper on Inland Waterways Classification for South America 2017-03
- Geografía del transporte de carga: Evolución y desafíos en un contexto global cambiante 2015-12
- Transporte marítimo y puertos: Desafíos y oportunidades en busca de un desarrollo sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe 2015-12
- Eficiencia energética y movilidad en América Latina y el Caribe: Una hoja de ruta para la sostenibilidad 2014-10
- Energy Efficiency and Mobility: A Toadmap Towards a Greener Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean 2014-10
- Estado de implementación del Programa de Acción de Almaty en América del Sur 2014-09
- Status of Implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action in South America 2014-09
- Liner Shipping Markets, Networks and Strategies: The implications for Port Development on the West Coast of South America: The case of Chile 2013-11
- Logistics, Transport and Food Prices in LAC: Policy Guidance for Improving Efficiency and Reducing Costs 2011-02
- Regional Hub Port Development - The Case of Montevideo, Uruguay 2010-06
- Freight Rates and the Margins of Intra Latin American Maritime Trade 2010-02
- El potencial de servicios multimodales en el corredor de transporte Asunción - Montevideo 2009-06
- Maritime sector and ports in the Caribbean: The case of CARICOM countries 2009-06
- Landlocked Countries in South America: Transport System Challenges 2009-03
- Los desafíos del sistema de transporte en los países sin litoral de América del Sur 2009-03
- Determinants of Maritime Transport Costs. A Panel Data Analysis for Latin American Trade 2008-05
- Infraestructura y servicios de transporte ferroviario vinculados a las vías de navegación fluvial en América del Sur 2007-10
- Hacia un desarrollo sustentable e integrado de la Amazonía: los corredores de transporte en la cuenca amazónica central-occidental y sus afluentes principales en Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú 2006-06
- Bridging Infrastructural Gaps in Central America: Prospects and Potential for Maritime Transport 2005-09
- Provisión de infraestructura de transporte en América Latina: Experiencia reciente y problemas observados 2005-08
- International Trade and Transport Profiles of Latin American Countries, year 2000 2002-02
entidad de contenido informativo

Palabras claves
- Inland Shipping
- Maritime Economics
- Port Economics
- Sustainable Logistics
- Transport Geography

nombre completo