publicaciones seleccionadas
- Outside Directors, Board Interlocks and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Colombian Business Groups 2011
- Corporate Ownership and Control Contestability in Emerging Markets: The Case of Colombia 2009
- Ownership and Control in Colombian Corporations 2008
- Firm Entry and Productivity Turnovers in Import Substituting Markets: Evidence from the Petrochemical Industry in Colombia 2005
documento de trabajo
- Corporate Governance and Firm Valuation in Colombia 2011-02
- Capital Markets and Corporate Governance in Colombia 2008-08
- Board Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Colombia 2008-07
- Gestión empresarial y valuación de empresas en Colombia 2007-12
- Corporate Ownership and Control Contestability in Emerging Markets: The Case of Colombia 2007-05
- Corporate Valuation and Governance: Evidence from Colombia 2005-11
- Ownership and Control in Colombian Corporations 2005-11
- Propiedad y control en empresas colombianas 2005-11
- Valuación y gobierno corporativo: Elementos de juicio de Colombia 2005-11
- Firm Entry, Productivity Differentials and Turnovers in Import Substituting Markets: A Study of the Petrochemical Industry in Colombia 2004-08