Gómez-González, José Eduardo
Profesor asociado
- Profesor asociado, Universidad de La Sabana
Jose specializes in financial economics and real estate finance. He has published in The Lancet, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, International Finance, Economic Modelling, Finance Research Letters, Contemporary Economic Policy and other academic journals
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publicaciones seleccionadas
- Bancarization and violent attacks from guerrilla and other illegal groups in Colombia 2021
- More than words: Foreign exchange intervention under imperfect credibility 2021
- Dynamic Relations Between Oil and Stock Markets: Volatility Spillovers, Networks and Causality 2021
- Dynamic Relations between Oil and Stock Market Returns: A Multi-country Study 2020
- Giving and Receiving: Exploring the Predictive Causality between Oil Prices and Exchange Rates 2020
- Criptoactivos: analisis y revision de literatura 2019
- A Rank Approach for Studying Cross-currency Bases and the Covered Interest Rate Parity 2019
- Criptoactivos: Análisis y revisión de literatura 2019
- Detecting Contagion in Asian Exchange Rate Markets Using Asymmetric DCC-GARCH and R-vine Copulas 2019
- Detecting Exchange Rate Contagion Using Copula Functions 2019
- Volatility Spillovers Among Global Stock Markets: Measuring Total and Directional Effects 2019
- Determinants of Housing Bubbles' Duration in OECD Countries 2018
- The Maple Bubble: A History of Migration Among Canadian Provinces 2018
- When Bubble Meets Bubble: Contagion in OECD Countries 2018
- Asset Price Bubbles: Existence, Persistence and Migration 2017
- Sovereign Default Risk in OECD Countries: Do Global Factors Matter? 2017
- Stock Market Volatility Spillovers: Evidence for Latin America 2017
- Evaluación de la transmisión de la tasa de interés de referencia a las tasas de interés del sistema financiero Colombiano 2016
- Mind the Gap: Computing Finance-Neutral Output Gaps in Latin-American Economies 2016
- The International Transmission of Risk: Causal Relations Among Developed and Emerging Countries' Term Premia 2016
- Bank Lending, Risk Taking, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy: New Evidence for an Emerging Economy 2015
- Credit and Business Cycles: Causal Effects in the Frequency Domain 2015
- Exchange Rate Contagion in Latin America 2015
- Latin American Exchange Rate Dependencies: A Regular Vine Copula Approach 2015
- Testing for Bubbles in the Colombian Housing Market: A New Approach 2015
- Testing for Bubbles in the Colombian Housing Market: A New Approach [Detectando burbujas en el mercado de vivienda Colombiano: Un nuevo enfoque] 2015
- Una historia exhaustiva de la regulación financiera en Colombia: El caso del encaje bancario, derivados financieros y riesgos de crédito 2015
- Efectos de «ángeles caídos» en el mercado accionario colombiano: estudio de eventos del caso Interbolsa 2014
- Fallen Angels Effect in the Colombian Stock Market: The Case Study of Interbolsa Events [Efectos de «ángeles caídos» en el mercado accionario colombiano: Estudio de eventos del caso interbolsa] 2014
- Non-parametric and semi-parametric Asset Pricing: An Application to the Colombian Stock Exchange 2014
- Testing for Causality Between Credit and Real Business Cycles in the Frequency Domain: an Illustration 2014
- The Term Structure of Sovereign Default Risk in an Emerging Economy 2014
- Firm Failure and Relationship Lending in an Emerging Economy: New Evidence from Small Businesses 2013
- Loan Growth and Bank Risk: New Evidence 2013
- A Simple Test of Momentum in Foreign Exchange Markets 2012
- Does the Use of Foreign Currency Derivatives Affect Firms' Market Value? Evidence from Colombia 2012
- Failing and Merging as Competing Alternatives during Times of Financial Distress: Evidence from the Colombian Financial Crisis 2012
- Flujos de capital y fragilidad financiera en Colombia 2012
- Lecciones de las crisis financieras recientes para el diseño e implementación de las políticas monetarias y financieras en Colombia 2012
- The Cyclical Behavior of Bank Capital Buffers in an Emerging Economy: Size does Matter 2012
- Determinantes del número de relaciones bancarias en Colombia 2011
- Determinants of Number of Banking Relations in Colombia [Determinantes del número de relaciones bancarias en Colombia] 2011
- Firm Failure and Relation Lending: New Evidence from Small Businesses 2011
- The Number of Banking Relationships and the Business Cycle: New Evidence from Colombia 2011
- An Early Warning Model for the Colombian Financial System [Un modelo de alerta temprana para el sistema financiero Colombiano] 2010
- Estimation of Conditional Time-homogeneous Credit Quality Transition Matrices 2010
- The Competing Risks of Acquiring and Being Acquired: Evidence from Colombia's Financial Sector 2010
- Un modelo de alerta temprana para el sistema financiero colombiano 2010
- Bank Failure: Evidence From The Colombian Financial Crisis 2009
- Determinantes de las fusiones y adquisiciones en el sistema financiero colombiano. 1990-2007 2009
- Evidence of Non-Markovian Behavior in the Process of Bank Rating Migrations 2009
- Evidence of a Bank Lending Channel for Argentina and Colombia 2007
- El racionamiento del crédito y las crisis financieras 2002
- Estimación de la demanda transaccional de dinero en Colombia 2001
- Política monetaria, inflación y crecimiento económico 2000
documento de trabajo
- Risk Spillovers between Global Corporations and Latin American Sovereigns: Global Factors Matter 2021
- Estimating the Value at Risk of a bank’s portfolio in sovereign bonds using a DCC-Copula model 2021
- Explaining the Rural-Urban Student Performance Gap for Different Distribution Quantiles in Colombia 2021
- Financial and Macroeconomic Uncertainties and Real Estate Markets 2021
- Interdependent Capital Structure Choices and the Macroeconomy 2021
- Interdependent Capital Structure Choices and the Macroeconomy 2021
- Sudden Stops, Sovereign Risk, and Fiscal Rules 2021
- Global effects of US uncertainty: real and financial shocks on real and financial markets 2020
- Global effects of US uncertainty: real and financial shocks on real and financial markets 2020
- Sectoral Fiscal Multipliers and Budget Inflexibility: The Role of Allocative Inefficiency 2020
- Dynamic Spillovers between REITs and Stock Markets in Global Financial Markets 2020
- Spillovers Beyond the Variance: Exploring the Natural Gas and Oil Higher Order Risk Linkages with the Global Financial Markets 2020
- Bank Market Power and Firm Finance: Evidence from Bank and Loan Level Data 2019-09
- Bank Market Power and Firm Finance: Evidence from Bank and Loan Level Data 2019
- Bancarization and Violence in Colombia 2018-09
- Dynamic Relations Between Oil and Stock Markets: Volatility Spillovers, Networks and Causality 2018-09
- Detecting Exchange Rate Contagion Using Copula Functions 2018-08
- Detecting Exchange Rate Contagion in Asian Exchange Rate Markets using Asymmetric DDC-GARCH and R-Vine Copulas 2018-08
- Dynamic Connectedness and Causality between Oil prices and Exchange Rates 2017-10
- Uncovering the Time-Varying Nature of Causality between Oil Prices and Stock Market Returns: A Multi-Country Study 2017-08
- I Know what you did During the Last Bubble: Determinants of Housing Bubbles' Duration in OECD Countries 2017-07
- Young Innovative Firms: Investment, Cash Flow, Sensitivities and Technological Misallocation 2017-06
- A Rank Approach for Studying Cross Currency Bases and the Covered Interest Rate Parity 2017-05
- Costos de intermediación bancaria en economías emergentes: la importancia de las instituciones 2017-05
- Sovereign Default Risk in OECD Countries: Do Global Factors Matter? 2017-05
- The Maple Bubble: A History of Migration among Canadian Provinces 2017-05
- Financial Information in Colombia 2017-02
- Volatility Spillovers among Global Stock Markets: Measuring Total and Directional Effects 2017-01
- El programa de apoyos para estudios en el exterior del Banco de la República y la formación del capital humano en el área económica en Colombia 2016-12
- The Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy: Does the Financial Structure of Banks Matter 2016-08
- Announcements are not Enough: Foreign Exchange Intervention under Imperfect Credibility 2016-07
- El uso de efectivo y las tendencias de los pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito en Colombia [Cash Usage and Trends in Credit and Debit Card Payments in Colombia] 2016-07
- El uso de efectivo y tarjetas débito y crédito en Colombia 2016-07
- Stock Market Volatility Spillovers: Evidence for Latin America 2016-05
- When Bubble Meets Bubble: Contagion in OECD Countries 2016-05
- Efectos del Quantitative Easing sobre los retornos accionarios en mercados emergentes 2016-02
- Mind the Gap: Computing Finance-Neutral Output Gaps in Latin-American Economies 2015-08
- Financial Contagion in Latin America 2015-05
- Una historia exhaustiva de la regulación financiera en Colombia 2015-05
- Evaluación de la transmisión de la tasa de interés de referencia a las tasas de interés del sistema financiero 2015-03
- The International Transmission of Risk: Causal Relations Among Developed and Emerging Countries’ Term Premia 2015-03
- Credit and Business Cycles: An Empirical Analysis in the Frequency Domain 2014-09
- Exchange Rates Contagion in Latin America 2014-09
- Innovation and Growth under Private Information 2014-09
- Bitcoin: Something Seems to Be Fundamentally Wrong 2014-05
- Burbujas en precios de activos financieros: existencia, persistencia y migración 2014-05
- Efectos de "ángeles caídos" en el mercado accionario colombiano: estudio de eventos del caso Interbolsa 2013-09
- Bank Lending, Risk Taking and the Transmission of Monetary Policy: New Evidence for Colombia 2013-06
- The Interdependence between Credit and Real Business Cycles in Latin American Economies 2013-05
- Loans Growth and Banks’ Risk: New Evidence 2013
- Testing for Bubbles in Housing Markets: New Results Using a New Method 2013
- Flujos de capital, fragilidad financiera y desarrollo financiero en Colombia 2012-05
- Lecciones de las crisis financieras recientes para el diseño e implementación de las políticas monetaria y financiera en Colombia 2012-05
- The Term Structure of Sovereign Default Risk in Colombia and its Determinants 2012-05
- Non Parametric and Semi Parametric Asset Pricing: An Application to the Colombian Stock Exchange 2012-03
- Non-Parametric and Semi-Parametric Asset Pricing: An Application to the Colombian Stock Exchange 2012
- The Term-Structure of Sovereign Default Risk in Colombia and its Determinants 2012
- The Cyclical Behavior of Bank Capital Buffers in an Emerging Economy: Size does Matter 2011-04
- A Simple Test of Momentum in Foreign Exchange Markets 2011-03
- The Cyclical Behavior of Bank Capital Buffers in an Emerging Economy: Size Do Matters 2011-03
- Firm Failure and Relationship Lending: New Evidence from Small Businesses 2011-01
- Failing and Merging as Competing Alternatives During Times of Financial Distress: Evidence from the Colombian Financial Crisis 2010-02
- Determinantes del número de relaciones bancarias en Colombia 2009-10
- The Competing Risks of Acquiring and Being Acquired: Evidence from Colombia´s Financial Sector 2009-06
- Does the Use of Foreign Currency Derivatives Affect Colombian Firms’ Market Value? 2009-05
- Un modelo de alerta temprana para el sistema financiero colombiano 2009-05
- Estimation of Conditional Time Homogeneous Credit Quality Transition Matrices for Commercial Banks in Colombia 2009-04
- Determinantes de la rentabilidad de los bancos en Colombia: ¿importa la tasa de cambio? 2009-03
- Determinantes de las fusiones y adquisiciones en el sistema financiero colombiano, 1990-2007 2009-02
- Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy: Evidence for Colombia, Using a Firms´ Panel 2009-01
- An Alternative Methodology for Estimating Credit Quality Transition Matrices 2007-12
- Estimación de matrices de transición de la calidad de cartera comercial de las entidades financieras colombianas 2007-09
- Evidence of Non Markovian Behavior in the Process of Bank Rating Migrations 2007-07
- Bank Failure: Evidence from the Colombia Financial Crisis 2006-10
- Análisis de la probabilidad condicional de incumplimiento de los mayores deudores privados del sistema financiero colombiano 2006-09
- Explaining Time to Bank Failure in Colombia During the Financial Crisis of the Late 1990s 2006-07
- Evidence of Bank Lending Channel for Argentina and Colombia 2006-06
- Especificación de la demanda por dinero con innovación financiera 1999-08
entidad de contenido informativo
- La política monetaria durante los primeros años del Banco Central independiente: 1992-1998 2017
- Burbujas en precios de activos financieros: existencia, persistencia y migración 2015
- La interdependencia entre el crédito y los ciclos económicos reales en economías latinoamericanas 2015
- Flujos de capitales y fragilidad financiera 2013
- Lecciones de las crisis financieras recientes para diseñar y ejecutar la política monetaria y la financiera en Colombia 2013