Bogliacino, Francesco
Profesor asistente

- Profesor asistente, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Investigador de la UNACIONAL miembro del Grupo Interdisciplinario en Teoría e Investigación aplicada en Ciencias Económicas (GITIACE)
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publicaciones seleccionadas
- Trust and trustworthiness after a land restitution program: lab-in-the-field evidence from Colombia 2022
- Expert endorsement and the legitimacy of public policy. Evidence from Covid19 mitigation strategies 2021
- Microfoundations, behaviour, and evolution: Evidence from experiments 2021
- Restarting “Normal” Life after Covid-19 and the Lockdown: Evidence from Spain, the United Kingdom, and Italy 2021
- Assessing concerns for the economic consequence of the COVID-19 response and mental health problems associated with economic vulnerability and negative economic shock in Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdome 2020
- Do negative economic shocks affect cognitive function, adherence to social norms and loss aversion 2020
- Citizens-experts' Interactions under Different Institutional Arrangements: Assessing the Role of Uncertainty, Interests, and Values 2019
- Experimental Evidence on Measures to Protect Consumers of Online Gambling Services 2019
- Consultative Democracy and Trust 2018
- Socioeconomic Stratification and Stereotyping: Lab in the Field Evidence from Colombia 2018
- The Dynamics of Profits and Wages: Technology, Offshoring and Demand 2018
- The Evolution of Inequality in Latin America in the 21st Century: What are the Patterns, Drivers and Causes? 2018
- The Evolution of Inequality in Latin America in the Twenty-first Century: Patterns, Drivers and Hypotheses 2018
- Euro Crisis in Perspective [La crisis del euro en perspective] 2017
- La crisis del euro en perspectiva 2017
- M. Ferrera, Rotta di Collisione. Euro Contro Welfare 2017
- Modeling the Virtuous Circle of Innovation. A Test on Italian Firms 2017
- An Introduction to the Special Issue on “The Behavioural Turn in Public Policy: New Evidence from Experiments” 2016
- Endogenous Skill Biased Technical Change: Testing for Demand Pull Effect 2016
- Export, R&D and New Products. A Model and a Test on European Industries 2016
- Labels as Nudges? An Experimental Study of Car Eco-labels 2016
- The Pavitt Taxonomy, Revisited: Patterns of Innovation in Manufacturing and Services 2016
- Wealth Inequality and the Great Recession 2016
- Wealth and Income Inequality in Europe 2016
- Aspirations, Prospect Theory and entrepreneurship: Evidence from Colombia 2015
- Business Cycles, Technology and Exports 2015
- Pathos & Ethos: Emotions and Willingness to Pay for Tobacco Products 2015
- The Behavioural Turn in Consumer Policy: Perspectives and Clarifi cations 2015
- Capabilities and Investment in R&D: An Analysis on European Data 2014
- Expectational Bottlenecks and the Emerging of New Organizational Forms 2014
- Inequality and Europe 2020 2014
- Innovation and Employment: A Firm Level Analysis with European R&D Scoreboard Data 2014
- Technology and Employment: the Job Creation Effect of Business R&D 2014
- Job Creation in Business Services: Innovation, Demand, and Polarisation 2013
- Ownership Structure and R&D Orientation in ICT Groups 2013
- Profits, R&D, and Innovation-a Model and a Test 2013
- Cimoli, M., Dosi, G. and Stiglitz, J. E. (eds.): Industrial Policy and Development. The political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation 2012
- Coca Leaves Production and Eradication: A General Equilibrium Analysis 2012
- Mazzucato M. (2011), The Entrepreneurial State 2012
- Quality Risk Aversion, Conjectures, and New Product Diffusion 2012
- R&D and Employment: An Application of the LSDVC Estimator using European Microdata 2012
- The Job Creation Effect Of R&D Expenditures 2012
- Access to Finance for Innovation: the Role of Venture Capital and the Stock Market 2011
- Engines of Growth. Innovation and Productivity in Industry Groups 2011
- Labour Mobilization, Falling Wages and Residual Inequality 2011
- Technology, Trade and Skills in Brazil: Evidence from Micro Data 2011
- Tecnología, comercio y calificación en el Brasil: evidencias de datos microeconómicos 2011
- Guy, F.: The Global Environment of Business 2010
- Innovation and Employment: a Reinvestigation using Revised Pavitt Classes 2010
- Monopolistic Competition and New Products: a Conjectural Equilibrium Approach 2010
- Innovation and Performance in the Long Run: the Case of Europe 2009
- Poorer Workers. The Determinants of Wage Formation in Europe 2009
- Optimal Intellectual Property Rights Protection: the Case of Colombia 2008
documento de trabajo
- Kind or contented? An investigation of the gift exchange hypothesis in a natural field experiment in Colombia 2021
- Economic and Political Inequality in The Management of Socio-Environmental Problems 2021
- Expert Endorsement and The Legitimacy of Public Policy. Evidence from Covid19 Mitigation Strategies 2021
- Kind or Contented? An Investigation of the Gift Exchange Hypothesis in a Natural Field Experiment in Colombia 2021
- Negative Economic Shocks and the Compliance to Social Norms 2021
- Crime-related Exposure to Violence and Social Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Bogotá 2020
- Do Negative Economic Shocks Affect Cognitive Function, Adherence to Social Norms and Loss Aversion? 2020
- Restarting “normal” life after Covid-19 and the lockdown: Evidence from Spain, the United Kingdom, and Italy 2020
- Assessing concerns for the economic consequence of the COVID-19 response and mental health problems associated with economic vulnerability and negative economic shock in Italy, Spain, and the United K 2020
- Negative Shocks Predict Change in Cognitive Function and Preferences: Assessing the Negative Affect and Stress Hypothesis in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Lockdown Mitigation Strategy 2020
- Two-worker Competition in Gift-exchange: Assessing Intention-based Reciprocity and Inequity Aversion 2020
- Invitados, vips y excluidos en el Gran Pacto para Colombia: análisis crítico del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2018-2022 - “Pacto por Colombia, pacto por la equidad” 2019-02
- Crime-related Exposure to Violence and Social Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Bogotá 2019
- Quantity and Quality of Work in the Platform Economy 2019
- Shaping Individual Preferences for Social Protection: The Case of Platform Workers 2019
- Trust and Trustworthiness after a Land Restitution Program: Lab-in-the-field Evidence from Colombia 2019
- Frames of Governance: Comparing Institutional Arrangements over the Policy Space 2018-11
- Consultative democracy and trust 2018
- Consultative Democracy & Trust 2017-10
- Microfoundations, Behaviour, and Evolution: Evidence from Experiments 2017-10
- The Evolution of Inequality in Latin America in the 21st Century: Patterns, Drivers and Causal Hypotheses 2017-03
- La evolución de la desigualdad en Latinoamérica en el siglo XXI: patrones, determinantes y causas 2017-02
- Micro Foundations for Structures and Evolution: Evidence from Experiments 2017-02
- The Evolution of Inequality in Latin America in the 21st Century: What are the Patterns, Drivers and Causes? 2017
- La crisis del euro en perspectiva 2016-09
- Positive Discrimination, Stereotyping and Segregation 2016-09
- Retos de la integración en comunidades retornadas. Análisis del caso de Las Palmas, San Jacinto, Bolívar 2016-09
- When the State Gives Back: Trust and Trustworthiness after a Land Restitution Program 2016-07
- Labels as Nudges? An Experimental Study of Car Eco-labels 2016-03
- The Dynamics of Profits and Wages: Technology, Offshoring and Demand 2016-03
- Identificar la incidencia de la estratificación socioeconómica urbana sobre la segregación de los hogares bogotanos 2015-12
- Pathos & Ethos: Emotions and Willingness to Pay for Tobacco Products 2015-10
- The Behavior of Other as a Reference Point 2015-08
- Where Does the Surplus Go? Disentangling the Capital-Labor Distributive Conflict 2015-08
- Sobre algunos efectos sociales y cognitivos de la restitución de tierras 2015-06
- Business Cycles, Technology and Exports 2015-05
- Aspirations, Prospect Theory and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Colombia 2015-03
- Endogenous Skill Biased Technical Change: Testing for Demand Pull Effect 2015-03
- Export, R&D and New Products 2015-03
- The Behavioral Turn in Consumer Policy: Perspectives and Clarifications 2015-03
- The Pavitt Taxonomy, Revisited. Patterns of Innovation in Manufacturing and Services 2015-03
- The Virtuous Circle of Innovation in Italian Firms 2015-03
- Technology and employment: The job creation effect of business R&D 2014-09
- The Behavior of Others as a Reference Point 2014
- Export, R&D and New Products. A Model and a Test on European Industries 2014
- GINI Policy Paper 1: The Inequality Content of Some of the Europe 2020 Flagships 2013-06
- GINI Intermediate Report WP 3: Drivers of Growing Inequality 2012-10
- Appendix to Final Report WP3 2012-07
- Expectational Bottlenecks and the Emerging of New Organizational Forms 2012-01
- GINI DP 26, Endogenous Skill Biased Technical Change: Testing for Demand Pull Effect 2011-12
- Innovation and Employment: Some Evidence from European Sectors 2011-12
- Job Creation Effects of R&D Expenditures: Are High-tech Sectors the Key? 2011-12
- Access to Finance for Innovation: The Role of Venture Capital and the Stock Market 2011-11
- The Impact of R&D on Employment in Europe: A Firm-Level Analysis 2011-10
- R&D and Employment: Some Evidence from European Microdata 2011-08
- Technology, Trade and Skills in Brazil: Some Evidence from Microdata 2011-07
- Innovation and Demand in Industry Dynamics 2011
- Job Creation in Business Services: Innovation, Demand, Polarisation 2011
- The Determinants of R&D Investment: The Role of Cash Flow and Capabilities 2010-12
- Innovation and Employment: A Firm Level Analysis with European R&D Scoreboard Data 2010-09
- Profits, R&D and Innovation: A Model and a Test 2010-05
- The Job Creation Effect of R&D Expenditures 2010-01
- Innovation and Development: The Evidence from Innovation Surveys 2010
- Quality Risk Aversion, Conjectures, and New Product Diffusion 2009-09
- The Impact of Innovation on Labour Productivity Growth in European Industries: Does It Depend on Firms' Competitiveness Strategies? 2009-09
- The Role of "Skill Enhancing Trade" in Brazil: Some Evidence from Microdata 2009-06
- Monopolistic Competition and New Products: A Conjectural Equilibrium Approach 2009-01

Palabras claves
- Desarrollo
- Economía del comportamiento
- Economía experimental
- Inequidad
- Mercado laboral

nombre completo