publicaciones seleccionadas artículo académico Citizen experience in public transport: A systematic review and future research agenda 2021-4-29 Does excessive use of smartphones and apps make us more impulsive? An approach from behavioural economics 2021-2-1 Parents' literacy on mobile advertising aimed at children: a cross-cultural approach 2021-11-18 Comercialización social de la donación de órganos en Colombia: un estudio exploratorio 2020-7-2 Characterization of the purchase decision process in the category of individual life insurance with savings 2019-1-1 The Colombian electronic consumer: Analysis of the leading factors of e-commerce use 2019-1-1 Buying behaviour and symbolic consumption of food and alcoholic beverages among people with religious affiliations in Bogota, Colombia 2018-11-1 Asociación entre motivaciones extrínsecas e intrínsecas y decisión de compra en productos de lujo en Colombia 2018-1-1 Mobile marketing: Conceptualization and research review 2017-1-1 Big data: Trend emerging from research in marketing 2016-1-1