Análisis de los procesos de contratación pública en los principales municipios y departamentos de Colombia durante la vigencia fiscal 2016
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Public procurement processes can be permeated by acts of corruption that can distort efficient allocation mechanisms. In this sense, the objective of this article is to make an approximation to the current legislation in Colombia, to the theory of auctions and to the theory of corruption. The methodology used is a deductive analysis with qualitative analysis tools and descriptive statistics within the quantitative component. With the intention to get representative samples, the departments of Antioquia, Cundinamarca and Valle del Cauca, Atlántico, Meta, Boyacá, Córdoba, Nariño, Santander, Bolívar and the municipalities of Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cali, Medellin and Cartagena were selected. The information was taken from the SECOP I of 33,995 public contracts and a follow-up of 252 procurement processes. It was found that there is a trend towards savings in the processes in which there are multiple bidders, also that public tender contracts represent a minimum relative participation over the other public procurement modalities.