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El respeto a los derechos fundamentales en las instituciones educativas: una apuesta por la convivencia escolar uri icon


  • The paper is the result of an investigation which analyzedhow the Constitutional Court of Colombia has solved theexisting tensions between the fundamental rights of thestudents and the school´s regulations. Therefore, the textpresents an analytical reconstruction of the case of law ofthe Court referred to the normative within the schools.It was used a theoretical frame that conceives the Lawas a constituent element of the social reality and, thus,pretends to show the effect of constitutionalización ofthe daily life that is implied by a series of decisions ofa high constitutional court. The problematic situationswithin the educative institutions are specially referredto the students personal appearance, to the maternity,paternity and conformation of family, to the consumptionof psychoactive substances, the sexual orientations andto the procedure to investigate and sanction the faults.