Análisis de la sentencia C-355 del 2006 de la Corte Constitucional sobre la liberalización del aborto en Colombia: argumentos iusfilosóficos que sustentan el debate en el marco de la perspectiva de Habermas sobre el rol de la religión en la esfera pública en Diálogo con Ronald Dworkin
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This text is a product of a research project focused on the perspective that the ConstitutionalCourt of Colombia has taken with regard to the religious arguments presented in constitutionallegal actions. The theoretical framework used to develop the analysis is Habermas? accountof the role of religion in the public sphere as well as his ideas on the role of the constitutionaltribunals. In this particular text the case selected was the case law C-355 of 2006. In this case,the Court decriminalize, in some cases, the voluntary interruption of pregnancy. In order todevelop a full analysis of such a controversial issue, Habermas? perspective is complementedwith Dworkin?s own view on the topic.