Análisis de la falla ocurrida por esfuerzos de contacto en el eje-piñón de baja velocidad en el reductor de una extrusora de plástico
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The present work correspondsto the failure analysis oflow speed pinion in the reducerof a plastic machine. The flanksof the teeth that are in contactpresented pitting, cracks andloosening of material. The finalfracture of the shaft in the zoneof the key seat presented beachmarks. The metallographyanalysis presented evidence ofcracks that propagate from thezones of pitting. The contactstress was calculated in thegears, using three models: analytical,estimator and numerical,which were compared with thepermissible contact stress of thematerial. In the system werefound high stresses, which arealarming specially for the caseof the pinion failed, which areassociated of direct way withthe entrance of power of thesame one, to the being this onethe most influential variable inthe distribution of loads withinthe reducer.