Edge and corner identification for tracking the line of sight
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This article presents an edge-corner detector, implemented in the realm of the GEIST project (an Computer Aided Touristic Information System) to extract the information ofstraight edges and their intersections (image corners) from camera-captured (real world)and computer-generated images (from the database of Historical Monuments, using ob-server position and orientation data). Camera and computer-generated images are processedfor reduction of detail, skeletonization and corner-edge detection. The corners surviving thedetection and skeletonization process from both images are treated as landmarks and fedto a matching algorithm, which estimates the sampling errors which usually contaminateGPS and pose tracking data (fed to the computer-image generatator). In this manner, aclosed loop control is implemented, by which the system converges to exact determinationof position and orientation of an observer traversing a historical scenario (in this case thecity of Heidelberg). With this exact position and orientation, in the GEIST project othermodules are able to project history tales on the view field of the observer, which have theexact intended scenario (the real image seen by the observer). In this way, the tourist seestales developing in actual, material historical sites of the city. To achieve these goals thisarticle presents the modification and articulation of algorithms such as the Canny EdgeDetector, SUSAN Corner Detector, 1-D and 2-D filters, etcetera