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Riesgo de suicidio en prisión y factores asociados: un estudio exploratorio en cinco centros penales de Bogotá uri icon


  • Suicide risk in prison is a important theme of penitentiarypolitics agenda, because prisoners suicide rates arefrequently highers than in general population. Inaccording to research, suicide behaviors are more frequentsin youth prisoners, drug abusers, people with previousmental diseases, but not with depression. Also, both legalprocess difficulties and imprisonment variables are riskfactors of self-damage, like a way for receive institutionalsupport and responses. From this view, a questionnaireabout suicide indicators and associated risk variables(psychopatology, everyday stressors, emotional climate,family career indicators and drug abuse) was applied toprisioners from fith Bogotan jails and counties (n=400),With regression analysis, results showed a relationshipbetween risk suicide with a lower age, more difficulty forprison norms adaptation and past phisic health and sexualproblems