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Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre citología cérvico-uterina por mujeres de una población rural en Colombia uri icon


  • ntroduction: There is concerned in Latin America due to the little or no impact that have had prevention programs in the reduction of cases of uterine cervical neoplasm. Different aspects should be looked at and analyzed. Objective: To determine the knowledge, practice and attitude of women from the municipality of Pinillos, Colombia, relating to the use of uterine cervical cytology as diagnostic techniques of early lesions of uterine cervix that entail uterine cervical neoplasm. Methods: Descriptive study carried out in Pinillos, Bolívar, Colombia. A survey was filled out by 260 women who had had sexual life. Results: 85.4% of the polled patients know what an uterine cervical cytology is. Practically all the polled women know what the usefulness of cytology is. 99.6% recognizes that cytology is important. 88.5% has done the cytology during her life, with a median of 4 done cytologies.Conclusions: The ignorance, the lack of practice and the bad attitude towards the realization of the cytology are not the main causes of that uterine cervical neoplasm had not diminished.