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Siliciclastic provenance of the Cenozoic stratigraphic succession in the southern Gulf of Mexico: Insights from U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology and heavy minerals analysis uri icon


  • This work presents new geochronological and mineralogical data to investigate the provenance of sediments accumulated in deep-water environments in the southern and southwestern regions of the Gulf of Mexico during the Cenozoic. We integrated U-Pb geochronology with heavy and light minerals data to better understand the provenance of the Paleocene–Miocene strata and the evolution of the sediment source terranes. The analyzed samples came from drill cuttings of sandy levels in five exploration wells offshore in the Gulf of Mexico: Puskon-1, Aktum-1, Kunah-1, Kabilil-1, and Chuktah-201. The material contained abundant barite, a component of the drilling mud. Consequently, a semiquantitative...