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García Salazar, Luisa Fernanda  |  Investigador Persona


Physical Therapist from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Specialist in Neuropediatrics Intervention from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos – Brazil (UFSCar). Master in Physiotherapy and Doctor in Physiotherapy from UFSCar. Professor of the Physical Therapy program at the Universidad del Rosario and member of the Rehabilitation Sciences Research group.

Active reviewer for the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. She has experience in the field of neuro-rehabilitation with an emphasis on the evaluation and treatment of people with stroke. She collaborates with the Neurological Physiotherapy Research Laboratory (LaFiN) and with the Neuroreabilitação Functionality and Technological Innovation Group (GFIT-Neuro), both from UFSCar. She currently works with translational research on post-stroke individuals.

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