publicaciones seleccionadas
- Designing a cost-efficient BICPV for vertical facades: Simulation and experimental evaluation 2024-04
- Designing a cost-efficient BICPV for vertical facades: Simulation and experimental evaluation 2024-04
- Exploration of bioinspired small wind turbine blade manufacturing alternatives: Defining materials and processes 2024-02-21
- Discrete event simulation for battery-swapping station sizing for hybrid and electric motorcycles 2023-03
- Discrete event simulation for battery-swapping station sizing for hybrid and electric motorcycles 2023-03
- Discrete event simulation for battery-swapping station sizing for hybrid and electric motorcycles 2023-03
- Influence of an Anti-Reflective Coating (ARC) with a pyramidal texture on a Building Integrated low-Concentration Photovoltaic (BICPV) system 2022-12
- Influence of an Anti-Reflective Coating (ARC) with a pyramidal texture on a Building Integrated low-Concentration Photovoltaic (BICPV) system 2022-12
- Modularity as a design strategy for complex products: Case study electro-solar vessel 2022-10-03
- Cost Optimization of an Assembly Sequence of an Electric Propulsion Module of an Electro-Solar Boat 2022
- Cost Optimization of an Assembly Sequence of an Electric Propulsion Module of an Electro-Solar Boat 2022
- Cost Optimization of an Assembly Sequence of an Electric Propulsion Module of an Electro-Solar Boat 2022
- Albatros Create: an interactive and generative tool for the design and 3D modeling of wind turbines with wavy leading edge 2020
- Albatros Create: an interactive and generative tool for the design and 3D modeling of wind turbines with wavy leading edge 2020
- Characterization of Street motorcycles for Development of a Hybridization Kit 2020
- Characterization of Street motorcycles for Development of a Hybridization Kit 2020
- Correction to: Electric hybridization kit for modification of a manual transmission motorcycle (International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), (2020), 14, 2, (587-594), 10.1007/s12008-020-00649-w) 2020
- Correction to: Electric hybridization kit for modification of a manual transmission motorcycle (International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), (2020), 14, 2, (587-594), 10.1007/s12008-020-00649-w) 2020
- Electric hybridization kit for modification of a manual transmission motorcycle 2020
- Electric hybridization kit for modification of a manual transmission motorcycle 2020
- Formulation and simulation of a hybrid solar PV-wind generation system with photovoltaic concentration for non-interconnected areas to the energy grid 2020
- Formulation and simulation of a hybrid solar PV-wind generation system with photovoltaic concentration for non-interconnected areas to the energy grid 2020
- Influence of energy consumption on battery sizing of electric fluvial vessels: A Colombian Case Study 2020
- Influence of energy consumption on battery sizing of electric fluvial vessels: A Colombian Case Study 2020
- A Remote Monitoring System for Charging Stations with Photovoltaic Generation 2019
- A Remote Monitoring System for Charging Stations with Photovoltaic Generation 2019
- Haptic Augmented Reality (HapticAR) for assembly guidance 2019
- Haptic Augmented Reality (HapticAR) for assembly guidance 2019
- Methodology for the design of automotive HUD graphical interfaces 2018-10-01
- Methodology for the design of automotive HUD graphical interfaces 2018-10-01
- Wind turbine selection method based on the statistical analysis of nominal specifications for estimating the cost of energy 2018-10
- Wind turbine selection method based on the statistical analysis of nominal specifications for estimating the cost of energy 2018-10
- Crowdsourcing Augmented Reality Environment (CARE) for aesthetic evaluation of products in conceptual stage 2018
- Crowdsourcing Augmented Reality Environment (CARE) for aesthetic evaluation of products in conceptual stage 2018
- Defining engineering characteristics of an electric kit for motorcycle hybridization in the Colombian context using QFD 2018
- Defining engineering characteristics of an electric kit for motorcycle hybridization in the Colombian context using QFD 2018
- Research topics and implementation trends on automotive head-up display systems 2018
- Research topics and implementation trends on automotive head-up display systems 2018
- Heuristic Optimization for the Energy Management and Race Strategy of a Solar Car 2017-09
- Heuristic Optimization for the Energy Management and Race Strategy of a Solar Car 2017-09
- A function to data matrix (FDM) approach for mission variables consideration 2017
- A function to data matrix (FDM) approach for mission variables consideration 2017
- Aerodynamic effects of manufacturing tolerances on a solar car 2017
- Aerodynamic effects of manufacturing tolerances on a solar car 2017
- Design of structural parts for a racing solar car 2017
- Design of structural parts for a racing solar car 2017
- Ergonomic analysis in conceptual design stage using a gesture-based modelling tool 2017
- Ergonomic analysis in conceptual design stage using a gesture-based modelling tool 2017
- From functional prototypes to industrial products 2017
- From functional prototypes to industrial products 2017
- Implementation of ergonomic aspects throughout the engineering design process: Human-Artefact-Context analysis 2017
- Implementation of ergonomic aspects throughout the engineering design process: Human-Artefact-Context analysis 2017
- Influence of epoxy resin as encapsulation material of silicon photovoltaic cells on maximum current 2017
- Influence of epoxy resin as encapsulation material of silicon photovoltaic cells on maximum current 2017
- Natural User Interface for color selection in conceptual design phase 2017
- Natural User Interface for color selection in conceptual design phase 2017
- Nominal energy optimisation method of constrained battery packs through the iteration of the series-parallel topology 2017
- Nominal energy optimisation method of constrained battery packs through the iteration of the series-parallel topology 2017
- An augmented reality tool to validate the assembly sequence of a discrete product 2016
- An augmented reality tool to validate the assembly sequence of a discrete product 2016
- Concept of a methodical process for the design of concentrating photovoltaic systems according to the context of use 2016
- Concept of a methodical process for the design of concentrating photovoltaic systems according to the context of use 2016
- Ubiquitous conceptual design of a ubiquitous application: A textile SME case study for real time manufacturing monitoring 2015-02
- Ubiquitous conceptual design of a ubiquitous application: A textile SME case study for real time manufacturing monitoring 2015-02
- AIR-MODELLING: A tool for gesture-based solid modelling in context during early design stages in AR environments 2015-01
- AIR-MODELLING: A tool for gesture-based solid modelling in context during early design stages in AR environments 2015-01
- Solar array design based on shadow analysis for increasing net energy collection in a competition vehicle 2015
- Solar array design based on shadow analysis for increasing net energy collection in a competition vehicle 2015
- Advances and trends of head-up and head-down display systems in automobiles 2014
- Advances and trends of head-up and head-down display systems in automobiles 2014
- Current and future possibilities of V2V and I2V technologies: An analysis directed toward Augmented Reality systems 2014
- Current and future possibilities of V2V and I2V technologies: An analysis directed toward Augmented Reality systems 2014
- Designing a concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) system in adjunct with a silicon photovoltaic panel for a solar competition car 2014
- Designing a concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) system in adjunct with a silicon photovoltaic panel for a solar competition car 2014
- Development of a Technology-based Design Environment Focused on Improving User Experience 2014
- Development of a technology-based design environment focused on improving user experience 2014
- Development of a technology-based design environment focused on improving user experience 2014
- Head-up and head-down displays integration in automobiles 2014
- Head-up and head-down displays integration in automobiles 2014
- Procedure to determine module distribution within a solar array to increase the net energy collection in a solar competition vehicle 2014
- Procedure to determine module distribution within a solar array to increase the net energy collection in a solar competition vehicle 2014
- Smart army helmet: A glance in what soldier helmets can become in the near future by integrating present technologies 2014
- Smart army helmet: A glance in what soldier helmets can become in the near future by integrating present technologies 2014
- Augmented reality application for product concepts evaluation 2013
- Augmented reality application for product concepts evaluation 2013
- Automatic assembly sequence exploration without precedence definition 2013
- Automatic assembly sequence exploration without precedence definition 2013
- Implementation of conceptual validation of product mock ups with augmented reality 2012-09
- Interactive machines for advertising companies 2012-09
- An academic design methodology for electrical mobility products-from necessity to functional prototype 2011
- An academic design methodology for electrical mobility products-from necessity to functional prototype 2011
- Integration of DFMA throughout an academic product design and development process supported by a PLM strategy 2011
- Integration of DFMA throughout an academic product design and development process supported by a PLM strategy 2011