publicaciones seleccionadas
- TiO2:Gd3 coatings prepared at various PEO process times: Physical-chemical characterization, simulation, and photocatalytic activity 2024-08
- DFT based kinetic Monte Carlo study of metal surface Growth: Comparison of a restricted and an unrestricted diffusion model 2024-01
- Use of nickel-electroplating wastewater to synthesize Ni-doped TiO2 and NiTiO3 coatings by plasma electrolytic oxidation to treat hexavalent chromium in real electroplating wastewater 2023-12
- Impact of the duty cycle on the morphology and photocatalytic properties of S-TiO2 obtained by plasma electrolytic oxidation to treat real electaroplating wastewater contaminated with Cr6 2023-06
- Study of the incorporation of S in TiO2/SO42− Coatings produced by PEO process through XPS and DFT 2022-10
- Influence of interfacial density on tribological performance of VN/TiN multilayers 2021-11
- Photocatalysis as an Alternative for the Remediation of Wastewater: A Scientometric Review
- Unveiling the structural and optoelectronic properties of (P, Bi, Sb)-doped GaAs by first- principles calculations