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David Velasquez  |  Investigador

Prof. David Velásquez received B.S. degree in Mechatronics Engineering from university Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia (EIA), in 2011. He got his master degree in engineering at Universidad EAFIT with emphasis on Technical Systems Integrated Design in 2014. He works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems and Informatics Engineering and as a researcher of the TICs Development and Innovation Research Group (GIDITIC) and the Design Engineering Research Group (GRID) at Universidad EAFIT. His research interests include adaptive systems control design, mechatronics design, industry 4.0, machine learning, computer vision, electronics optimization, embedded systems, internet of things implementation and biomedical signal processing applications. Also, he is doing a Phd. in Informatics, at the University of the Basque Country (Spain) in collaboration with research projects from the VICOMTECH research center.

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