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El Centenario revisitado: Un viajero alemán en las fiestas patrias de Colombia (1910) Artículo académico uri icon


  • El Centenario de la independencia de Colombia celebrado en 1910, en los últimos tiempos ha sido retomado por la historiografía colombiana. En el marco de las celebraciones del Bicentenario de la Independencia entre 2010 y 2019, la proliferación de artículos y libros que tocan el tema o aspectos específicos del mismo ha sido considerable; sin embargo, la gran mayoría de los estudios se basan en documentos oficiales y la prensa de la época, por lo cual sus juicios acerca del impacto y la recepción del evento resultan limitados. Por medio de una nueva fuente -la crónica de viaje del editor alemán Konrad Beisswanger- quisiéramos ofrecer una mirada alternativa a la interpretación y significado de las fiestas del Centenario de la independencia en Bogotá. Aunque la crónica de Beisswanger tiene un sesgo político e ideológico, su veracidad fáctica y sus descripciones detalladas hacen de ella un documento valioso para el estudio del Centenario. Además, nos obliga a reflexionar sobre el uso y la interpretación de las fuentes empleadas en la historiografía que recientemente se ha producido sobre el tema.The Centennial of the independence of Colombia celebrated in 1910, in recent times has been taken up by Colombian historiography. Within the framework of the celebrations of the Bicentennial of Independence between 2010 and 2019, the proliferation of papers and books that approach the subject or specific aspects of it has been considerable; however, the vast majority of studies are based on official documents and the press of the time, so their judgments about the impact and reception of the event are limited. Through a new source -the travel chronicle of the German editor Konrad Beisswanger- we would like to offer an alternative look at the interpretation and meaning of the celebrations of the Centennial of independence in Bogotá. Although Beisswanger's chronicle has a political and ideological bias, its factual accuracy and detailed descriptions make it a valuable document for Centennial study. In addition, it forces us to reflect on the use and interpretation of the sources used in the historiography that has recently been produced on the subject.
  • El Centenario de la independencia de Colombia celebrado en 1910, en los últimos tiempos ha sido retomado por la historiografía colombiana. En el marco de las celebraciones del Bicentenario de la Independencia entre 2010 y 2019, la proliferación de artículos y libros que tocan el tema o aspectos específicos del mismo ha sido considerable; sin embargo, la gran mayoría de los estudios se basan en documentos oficiales y la prensa de la época, por lo cual sus juicios acerca del impacto y la recepción del evento resultan limitados. Por medio de una nueva fuente –la crónica de viaje del editor alemán Konrad Beisswanger– quisiéramos ofrecer una mirada alternativa a la interpretación y significado de las fiestas del Centenario de la independencia en Bogotá. Aunque la crónica de Beisswanger tiene un sesgo político e ideológico, su veracidad fáctica y sus descripciones detalladas hacen de ella un documento valioso para el estudio del Centenario. Además, nos obliga a reflexionar sobre el uso y la interpretación de las fuentes empleadas en la historiografía que recientemente se ha producido sobre el tema.The Centennial of the independence of Colombia celebrated in 1910, in recent times has been taken up by Colombian historiography. Within the framework of the celebrations of the Bicentennial of Independence between 2010 and 2019, the proliferation of papers and books that approach the subject or specific aspects of it has been considerable; however, the vast majority of studies are based on official documents and the press of the time, so their judgments about the impact and reception of the event are limited. Through a new source –the travel chronicle of the German editor Konrad Beisswanger– we would like to offer an alternative look at the interpretation and meaning of the celebrations of the Centennial of independence in Bogotá. Although Beisswanger's chronicle has a political and ideological bias, its factual accuracy and detailed descriptions make it a valuable document for Centennial study. In addition, it forces us to reflect on the use and interpretation of the sources used in the historiography that has recently been produced on the subject.
  • The Centenary of the Independence of Colombia, celebrated in 1910 has recently been revisited by Colombian historiography. Within the framework of the bicentennial celebrations of the independence between 2010 and 2019, the proliferation of articles and books that deal with the subject or specific aspects of it has been considerable. Nevertheless, the great majority of the studies are based on official documents and the press of the time, thus, their judgment regarding the impact and the reception of the event are limited. By means of a new source - the travel chronicle of the German publisher, Konrad Beisswanger-an alternative perspective is offered to the interpretation and significance of the centenary independence celebrations in Bogotá. Although Beisswanger's chronicle has a political and ideological bias; its factual veracity and detailed descriptions make it a valuable document for the study of the centenary. In addition, it forces us to reflect on the use and the interpretation of the sources used in historiography that has recently been produced on the subject.

fecha de publicación

  • 2021-12-1