publicaciones seleccionadas
- A record of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) in the Northern portion of the Cordillera occidental of Colombia,Un registro de tapir de montaña (Tapirus pinchaque) en el norte de la Cordillera occidental de Colombia
- A snake depredation event by Grallaria nuchalis in a periurban landscape in the Central Andes of Colombia,Evento de depredación de Grallaria nuchalis sobre serpiente en un paisaje periurbano en los Andes Centrales de Colombia
- An unusual foraging tactic of the Willie Wagtail
- Are birds more afraid in urban parks or cemeteries? A Latin American study contrasts with results from Europe
- Avifauna of the northern Cordillera central of the Andes, Colombia
- Bird diversity-environment relationships in urban parks and cemeteries of the Neotropics during breeding and non-breeding seasons
- Differential influence of urbanisation on Coccidian infection in two passerine birds
- Food habits and habitat of the Crab-eating fox Cerdocyon thous in the highlands of eastern Antioquia, Cordillera Central, Colombia
- Mesocarnivores activity patterns in the Northern Colombian Andes
- Parasite-bird interactions in urban areas: Current evidence and emerging questions
- Roadkills in the urban road network of five cities in the aburrá valley (Antioquia, Colombia),Atropellamientos de fauna silvestre en la red vial urbana de cinco ciudades del Valle de Aburrá (Antioquia, Colombia)
- Sugar Packet Opening by Noisy Miners (Manorina melanocephala): A Novel Foraging Behavior
- Tail and pouch use by Didelphis marsupialis and Metachirus nudicaudatus (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) to carry nesting material. Information about the use of tail to carry nesting material by Neotropical marsupials is poorly documented,Uso de la cola y el marsupio en Didelphis marsupialis y Metachirus nudicaudatus (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) para transportar material de anidación
- The humerus of Cryptotis colombiana and its bearing on the species' phylogenetic relationships (Soricomorpha: Soricidae)
- Two new reports of autotomy of the tail in rodents,Dos nuevos casos de autotomía caudal en roedores suramericanos
- Warning! urban threats for birds in Latin America