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Chaos Theory and Financial Statements Capítulo uri icon


  • The purpose of this chapter is to show some applications of chaostheory to financial statements. Although chaos theory has been used inseveral financial topics, it is not usually involved with financialstatements, which seem to remain impervious to it. To describe theanalytical possibilities that chaos theory has in financial statements, adescription of some features of chaos theory and their interest with regardto financial statements is made. Next, the application of chaos theory in aspecific topic, such as the analysis of the accounting equation ispresented. In addition, explanations of the possibilities of chaos theory inanalyzing financial statements accounts and ratios, using several modelsof chaos theory, are provided. Finally the use of recurrence analysis isdescribed to provide different perspectives on financial statementsinformation. The intention is to create an interest in viewing financialstatements as a complex information system.

fecha de publicación

  • 2016-10-1