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Gómez Córdoba, Ana Isabel  |  Investigador Persona


Professor at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Universidad del Rosario. Academic Vice-Dean of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences since 2020. Since 2008 she has co-directed the Health and Medical Law specialization degree, and from 2021 to present she has co-directed the Biolaw and Bioethics Master’s degree. Member of the Medical Education and the Health Sciences research groups. Professor at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Law School, teaching bachelor, masters and doctorate degrees. She has taught in Medicine, Nursing, and Speech Therapy programs, and in Law School, teaching the Medical Law, Health Education, and Epidemiology specialization programs. Dr. Gomez has been a professor in residency training programs, teaching in cores of bioethics and biolaw, and communication and academic teaching. In addition, she is a professor of the Public Health, Human Rights, Safety and Health at Work master's degrees, and the Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Research doctorate. Furthermore, she teaches the certification course in Good Clinical Practice, Psycho-Oncology, and Pain and Palliative Care. Member of the Center for the Study of Bioethics and Biolaw in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. She has directed master's degree graduation projects, has participated as a thesis jury and peer reviewer for a broad range of scientific journals.

She has a Medical Degree with a specialization in Pediatrics, Public Health Management and Health Law from Universidad del Rosario. She has a master's degree in Bioethics from Universidad El Bosque, where she received a Laurate thesis for the project titled “Ethical Dilemmas at the End-of-Life in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care”. She has a Doctorate Degree in Legal Sciences from Universidad Javeriana, where she received three academic recognitions: Honorary title Summa Cum Laude, graduation with honors Summa Cum Laude and the Javeriano Order of Academic Merit for distinguished academic performance in the thesis titled “Legal Aspects for Treatment of Genetic Data with Diagnostic Ends”. She was awarded with the Juan Agustín Uricoechea y Navarro Excellence in Teaching Award in 2019, and The European School of Oncology (ESO) Umberto Veronesi Memorial Award in 2016.

She took the course Introduction to Management Direction Program, and Case Analysis Methodology in Universidad de la Sabana in 1998; the Health Marketing Program in Universidad de los Andes in 2000; and the High Management Course at Universidad Nacional in 2001. She participated in the Education for Understanding Course in Harvard University and the Curricular Reform for the Medical School in Universidad del Rosario.

Chair of the Clinical Sciences Department in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences (2003-2009), Medical School Program Director (2006-2015) and Vice-Dean (2015-2018). Manager of the Misael Pastrana Borrero Clinic, currently Barrios Unidos (2001-2003). Medical Auditory Coordinator form the Colsubsidio health division (1998-1999) and team member of the Process and Technology Project in Colsubsidio Service Provider Institution (IPS) in which she contributed with the reengineering and systematization of health services, parameterization of systematized clinical records from the health services network (1996-1998).

Member of the Institutional Review Board in Fundonal (2021 – present); member of the ICONTEC Health Accreditation Board (2016-2018) and the IRB in Fundación Cardioinfantil (2015-2019). Chair of the Directive Council of the Fundación Proderecho a Derecho a Morir Dignamente (Right to Die with Dignity Foundation) (2017-2022) and Vice Chair from 2014- 2017. Foundational member of the Lawyers College, Medical Law chapter (2020 –present).

She participated in Fase I and II from the European Union Tuning Project in Latin America (2008-2013) and 6X4 UEALC. Awarded with a Small Grant for the project titled “Biological sample and person data treatment in biomedical research in Teaching Hospitals in Bogota”.

To date, she has published more than 90 documents encompassing books, book chapters, national and international papers in subjects related to medical education, bioethics, biolaw and film.

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