publicaciones seleccionadas
- Comparison of machine learning path loss model for wireless sensor networks in cassava crops 2023-11-22
- Comparison of machine learning path loss model for wireless sensor networks in cassava crops 2023-11-22
- Modeling of Path Loss for Radio Wave Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks in Cassava Crops Using Machine Learning 2023-10-25
- Modeling of Path Loss for Radio Wave Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks in Cassava Crops Using Machine Learning 2023-10-25
- Characterisation of Youth Entrepreneurship in Medellín-Colombia Using Machine Learning 2023-06-29
- Characterisation of Youth Entrepreneurship in Medellín-Colombia Using Machine Learning 2023-06-29
- Overview of Mobile Communications in Colombia and Introduction to 5G 2023-01-18
- Overview of Mobile Communications in Colombia and Introduction to 5G 2023-01-18
- A Deep Learning Model of Radio Wave Propagation for Precision Agriculture and Sensor System in Greenhouses 2023-01-13
- A Deep Learning Model of Radio Wave Propagation for Precision Agriculture and Sensor System in Greenhouses 2023-01-13
- A Platform for Inpatient Safety Management Based on IoT Technology 2022-12-07
- A Platform for Inpatient Safety Management Based on IoT Technology 2022-12-07
- Precision Agriculture and Sensor Systems Applications in Colombia through 5G Networks 2022-09-26
- Precision Agriculture and Sensor Systems Applications in Colombia through 5G Networks 2022-09-26
- Projections of IoT Applications in Colombia Using 5G Wireless Networks 2021-10-28
- Projections of IoT Applications in Colombia Using 5G Wireless Networks 2021-10-28
- Radio Wave Attenuation Measurement System Based on RSSI for Precision Agriculture: Application to Tomato Greenhouses 2021-10-12
- Radio Wave Attenuation Measurement System Based on RSSI for Precision Agriculture: Application to Tomato Greenhouses 2021-10-12
- 5G Mobile Phone Network Introduction in Colombia 2021-04-13
- 5G Mobile Phone Network Introduction in Colombia 2021-04-13
- Empirical Model of Radio Wave Propagation in the Presence of Vegetation inside Greenhouses Using Regularized Regressions 2020-11-19
- Empirical Model of Radio Wave Propagation in the Presence of Vegetation inside Greenhouses Using Regularized Regressions 2020-11-19
- Data supporting the reconstruction study of missing wind speed logs using wavelet techniques for getting maximum likelihood 2020-08
- Data supporting the reconstruction study of missing wind speed logs using wavelet techniques for getting maximum likelihood 2020-08
- Forecasted datasets of electric vehicle consumption on the electricity grid of Spain 2020-08
- Forecasted datasets of electric vehicle consumption on the electricity grid of Spain 2020-08
- Path Loss Determination Using Linear and Cubic Regression Inside a Classic Tomato Greenhouse 2019-05-17
- Path Loss Determination Using Linear and Cubic Regression Inside a Classic Tomato Greenhouse 2019-05-17
- Wind missing data arrangement using wavelet based techniques for getting maximum likelihood 2019
- Wind missing data arrangement using wavelet based techniques for getting maximum likelihood 2019
- Monitoring system for agronomic variables based in WSN technology on cassava crops 2018-01-18
- Monitoring system for agronomic variables based in WSN technology on cassava crops 2018-01-18
- Monitoring system for agronomic variables based in WSN technology on cassava crops 2018
- Monitoring system for agronomic variables based in WSN technology on cassava crops 2018
- Document Received strength signal intensity performance analysis in wireless sensor network using Arduino platform and XBee wireless modules 2017-07-27
- Document Received strength signal intensity performance analysis in wireless sensor network using Arduino platform and XBee wireless modules 2017-07-27
- Comparative analysis with pedagogical purposes in the design of narrowband suppressor filters with twin-T and FDNR,Análisis comparativo con fines pedagógicos en el diseño de filtros supresores de banda angosta con T gemela y FDNR 2017
- Comparative analysis with pedagogical purposes in the design of narrowband suppressor filters with twin-T and FDNR,Análisis comparativo con fines pedagógicos en el diseño de filtros supresores de banda angosta con T gemela y FDNR 2017
- Design of a low cost weather station for detecting environmental changes 2017
- Design of a low cost weather station for detecting environmental changes 2017
- Design of a monitoring network of meteorological variables related to tornadoes in Barranquilla-Colombia and its metropolitan area,Diseño de una red de monitorización de variables meteorológicas relacionadas a los tornados en Barranquilla-Colombia y su área metropolitana 2017
- Design of a monitoring network of meteorological variables related to tornadoes in Barranquilla-Colombia and its metropolitan area,Diseño de una red de monitorización de variables meteorológicas relacionadas a los tornados en Barranquilla-Colombia y su área metropolitana 2017
- Received strength signal intensity performance analysis in wireless sensor network using Arduino platform and XBee wireless modules 2017
- Received strength signal intensity performance analysis in wireless sensor network using Arduino platform and XBee wireless modules 2017
- Design of a wireless sensor network for monitoring of flash floods in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia,Diseño de una red de sensores inalámbricos para la monitorización de inundaciones repentinas en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia 2016
- Design of a wireless sensor network for monitoring of flash floods in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia,Diseño de una red de sensores inalámbricos para la monitorización de inundaciones repentinas en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia 2016
- A novel data dissemination model for organic data flows 2015
- A novel data dissemination model for organic data flows 2015
- Wireless surveillance sytem for greenhouse crops,Sistema inalámbrico de monitorización para cultivos en invernadero 2014
- Wireless surveillance sytem for greenhouse crops,Sistema inalámbrico de monitorización para cultivos en invernadero 2014
- 6LoWSoft: A software suite for the design of outdoor environmental measurements 2013
- 6LoWSoft: A software suite for the design of outdoor environmental measurements 2013
- A monitoring system for intensive agriculture based on mesh networks and the android system 2013
- A monitoring system for intensive agriculture based on mesh networks and the android system 2013
- Integration of communication technologies in sensor networks to monitor the Amazon environment 2013
- Integration of communication technologies in sensor networks to monitor the Amazon environment 2013
- Las redes de sensores inalámbricos y el Internet de las cosas 2012-10-31
- Las redes de sensores inalámbricos y el Internet de las cosas 2012-10-31
- Evaluation of high performance clusters in private cloud computing environments 2012
- Evaluation of high performance clusters in private cloud computing environments 2012
- Detection of elements of personal safety for the prevention of accidents at work with convolutional neural networks
- LSTM Networks for Home Energy Efficiency