publicaciones seleccionadas
- Coherence Analysis between the Surface Diaphragm EMG Envelope Signal and the Respiratory Signal derived from the ECG in Patients assisted by Mechanical Ventilation 2022-07-11
- Coherence Analysis between the Surface Diaphragm EMG Envelope Signal and the Respiratory Signal derived from the ECG in Patients assisted by Mechanical Ventilation 2022-07-11
- Coherence Analysis between the Surface Diaphragm EMG Envelope Signal and the Respiratory Signal derived from the ECG in Patients assisted by Mechanical Ventilation 2022
- Coherence Analysis between the Surface Diaphragm EMG Envelope Signal and the Respiratory Signal derived from the ECG in Patients assisted by Mechanical Ventilation 2022
- A new protocol to compare successful versus failed patients using the electromyographic diaphragm signal in extubation process 2021-11-01
- A new protocol to compare successful versus failed patients using the electromyographic diaphragm signal in extubation process 2021-11-01
- A new protocol to compare successful versus failed patients using the electromyographic diaphragm signal in extubation process 2021
- A new protocol to compare successful versus failed patients using the electromyographic diaphragm signal in extubation process 2021
- El papel de los mastocitos en la evaluación de la respuesta inflamatoria posoperatoria, al implantar mallas protésicas para la reparación de defectos de la pared abdominal en biomodelos rata Wistar 2018
- El papel de los mastocitos en la evaluación de la respuesta inflamatoria posoperatoria, al implantar mallas protésicas para la reparación de defectos de la pared abdominal en biomodelos rata Wistar 2018
- Comparación de la citocompatibilidad in vitro entre los biomateriales, fibroína y polipropileno 2017-05-02
- Comparación de la citocompatibilidad in vitro entre los biomateriales, fibroína y polipropileno 2017-05-02
- Synthesis and chemical and structural characterization of hydroxyapatite obtained from eggshell and tricalcium phosphate 2016
- Synthesis and chemical and structural characterization of hydroxyapatite obtained from eggshell and tricalcium phosphate 2016
- Comparative evaluation of adhesion formation of prosthetic meshes after intra-abdominal implantation in wistar rats 2014-04
- Comparative evaluation of adhesion formation of prosthetic meshes after intra-abdominal implantation in wistar rats 2014-04
- Design and fabrication of a stainless steel base for biomechanical testing of Wistar rat abdominal wall 2014-04
- Design and fabrication of a stainless steel base for biomechanical testing of Wistar rat abdominal wall 2014-04
- Variaciones anatómicas del proceso uncinado en tomografía computada multidetector en pacientes con rinosinusitis crónica 2014-04
- Variaciones anatómicas del proceso uncinado en tomografía computada multidetector en pacientes con rinosinusitis crónica 2014-04
- Comparative evaluation of adhesion formation of prosthetic meshes after intra-abdominal implantation in wistar rats,Evaluación comparativa de la formación de adherencias de mallas protésicas después de la implantación intraabdominal en ratas Wista 2014
- Comparative evaluation of adhesion formation of prosthetic meshes after intra-abdominal implantation in wistar rats,Evaluación comparativa de la formación de adherencias de mallas protésicas después de la implantación intraabdominal en ratas Wista 2014
- Design and fabrication of a stainless steel base for biomechanical testing of Wistar rat abdominal wall,Diseño y fabricación de una base en acero inoxidable para prueba biomećnicas de pared abdominal de rata Wistar 2014
- Design and fabrication of a stainless steel base for biomechanical testing of Wistar rat abdominal wall,Diseño y fabricación de una base en acero inoxidable para prueba biomećnicas de pared abdominal de rata Wistar 2014
- Factors Associated With Cognitive And Functional Performance In Elderly People In Cali, Colombia. A Multifactorial Approach.:2972