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Monitoring of Brain Hemodynamics Coupling in Neonates using Updated Tensor Decompositions Investigador Externo Panel de conferencia uri icon


  • In this paper we explore the use of updated tensor decompositions for the monitoring of brain hemodynamics in neonates. For this study, we used concomitant measurements of heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure, arterial oxygen saturation, EEG, and brain oxygenation - measured using near-infrared spectroscopy. These measurements were obtained from 22 neonates undergoing an INSURE procedure (INtubation, SURfactant and Extubation) and sedation using propofol. To develop the monitoring framework using tensors, we used radial basis kernel function (RBF) to construct a similarity matrix for consecutive segments of the signals. These matrices were concatenated forming a tensor. Updating canonical polyadic decomposition was used to evaluate the impact of propofol in the coupling between the different signals. Results indicate, as previously reported, a drop in the interaction between signals due to propofol administration. This shows that tensor decompositions can be useful in order to monitor the coupling between different physiological signals.

fecha de publicación

  • 2019-7-1