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El bloque de constitucionalidad como mecanismo de interpretación constitucional. Aproximación a los contenidos del bloque en derechos en Colombia Artículo académico uri icon


  • The aim of the following article is to explain how the concept of Bloc de constitutionnalité in Colombia, as is the case with all other occidental juridical institutions, is partially determined by spatial and temporal circumstances. Another objective is to approach the contents of the Bloc form the standpoint of recent rulings from the Constitutional court. In order to achieve these two objectives I describe the concept of Bloc as introduced in France and Spain showing their differences and their relation to their circumstances and context, and how this contrasts to the Colombian case. This study allows me to affirm that the Colombian constitution has been expanded in relation to human rights in agreement with the principle of constitutional pluralism and multilevel interpretation. This has brought a change in the constitutional interpretation of how to apply human rights due to the new relations between the sources of constitutional law and those of international law.

fecha de publicación

  • 2016-7-1